03 | similar names

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| Alessia |

I woke up in the dark, and for a second, I thought everything that had happened was a dream until I looked to my right

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I woke up in the dark, and for a second, I thought everything that had happened was a dream until I looked to my right. There was a big window to which I immediately walked.

I didn't know how long I stood there, but the view was memorizing, and it was astonishing to know that there was a world out there and that I now might have the opportunity to discover it.

My gut told me to go out and not waste another minute, but my mind reminded me of what happened yesterday. And I would never trust my gut as much as my mind.

Besides, I wanted to open the door, but I was scared that the moment I pushed the door handle down, I would notice that the door was locked and Ricardo had lied to me. I was afraid he would make me wish I was still in my cellar.

But something in me believed in him and told me that the Ricardo I met yesterday wouldn't do such a thing, so I tried my luck.

When the door opened, I felt something inside me that I could not describe.

I believe everyone would think I was crazy for being happy about such a small thing, but I haven't touched a door handle in six years. It wasn't even just about the door handle; it was also about the control over my life that was taken away from me or rather the control I never had.

I left the room and closed the door behind me. I knew I shouldn't be walking around in a stranger's house, but I couldn't just sit there. I walked down the stairs and walked back and forth in the hallway until I decided to go into some room.

The room I entered was beautiful. It was large and looked old and significant. On the shelves were hundreds of books, many of them in Italian. In the middle of the room was a dark brown piano and next to it were two sofas. There was no window, which gave it a dark vibe.

This was the room you want to stay in. Not a cellar with a small window, not even a window, but a tiny hole in the wall that only told you when the day started and ended.

I pushed those thoughts aside and sat down at the piano. I always wanted to learn how to play it, and now I might have the opportunity. While I was running my fingers over it, I didn't notice someone joining me in the room because I had accidentally left the door open.

It wasn't until I heard someone sitting on the sofa behind me that I froze. Human Interaction wasn't something I was familiar with, and the only thing I wore was Ricardo's jacket, but I still turned around.

I took the time to look at the man across from me, and I had to admit that if power was a person, it would be him. He had perfect dark brown hair and brown eyes that could look into your soul. He had well-groomed facial hair and tanned skin. His outfit consisted of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Alessandro Esposito," he said and held out his hand to me. He had a few silver rings on his fingers. "And you are?"

I hesitated for a few seconds, but eventually; I gave him my hand.

"I'm-" I briefly had the urge to tell him my name since ours were similar, but then decided against it and smiled instead.

As a child, I naively thought that that was all it took to become friends, introducing oneself.

That's why I thought Henry was my first friend, but in the end, he remained the only one. However, friends don't do to each other what he did, so he wasn't a friend, but without him, I would be alone.

And I didn't want to be alone, so after all, Henry was my friend.

Alessandro's gaze drifted from my eyes to the corner of my lips.

"Is there something?" I asked.

"You haven't seen it?" He asked and I shook my head.

He then nodded his head in the direction of something behind me and I turned around to see a mirror I hadn't noticed before.

I couldn't deny that I looked horrible.

Apart from the fatigue, the bruises on my face were clearly visible as they were only a day old. My forehead, chin, cheek and lower lip were all red and swollen.

Most people would probably assume I was beaten, but I wasn't.

Henry doesn't hit.

He just grabs a fistful of your hair and slams your face into the wall behind you.

I tried to find a way to retire nicely, but fortunately, Ricardo walked through the door. Father and son communicated through their eyes for a few seconds until Alessandro, who was also incredibly tall, wished us a good night and left the room.

There was silence between me and Ricardo while he pulled something out of his pocket.

"I planned to give this to you in the morning, but since we're here now," he said and handed me a key. "This is the key to your room. I thought it would make you feel more comfortable."

I really wanted to hug him for that gesture, but I had to remember that I didn't know him at all. "Thank you."

After asking if I needed help to get back to the room, which I declined, I watched his figure walk away.

He cared about the way I felt.

And even if I could end up regretting it, I started trusting him a bit more.


Q | can you play instruments?
A | I can't even read notes so no lmao

Thank you so much for reading!!

xx Leyla

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