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| Alessia |

I walked up the stairs in an unfamiliar house

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I walked up the stairs in an unfamiliar house. Black candlesticks with white candles hung on the walls, but only every second candle was burning. On my way up, I counted each step and was surprised that although they were so old made no noise. When I stood in front of the door, I saw that it was halfway open. For once, we wouldn't meet in the cellar but the attic.

I went through the part of the door that was already open and locked it behind me. My eyes were looking straight ahead, but I knew he was standing to my left. I walked into the middle of the room and put the gasoline on the floor next to me before turning around to look at him.

He had his back to me and was looking out the window. His posture, his black suit, and the black sunglasses lying on the windowsill proved to me that he was still the same.

I patiently waited for him to turn around since there was no hurry. When he eventually did, I looked into his brown eyes, but no words fell between us. I had so often imagined the moment when I would be healed and meet him. I would shout at him and hit him, but I didn't want to.

This was the first time I looked at him, and there were no question marks in my head, only facts. A fact was that he locked me up for his selfish reasons and stole an entire decade from me. He murdered my parents, raped me, tortured and manipulated me.

He remained silent and didn't even try to stop me when I reached for the gasoline and spilt it all over the room and finally on him.

I spilt some of it on me too, but that was fine. The moment I closed the door and noticed that you couldn't open it from the inside, I came to terms with what would happen here.

I then held up the white lighter, because for me white, was the most painful colour.

"You'll burn in the same hell I did," I whispered before throwing the burning lighter at his feet, and he quickly burst into flames. His agonized screams and how quickly he fell to the ground made me smile. He didn't suffer nearly as long as he made me suffer, but if hell existed, he would. He would suffer, and he would suffer because of me.

It became difficult to breathe, and I felt myself starting to burn as well. I laid down on the floor, facing his body, and watched him take his last breath before I did.

When I woke up, I sat up and breathed in and out. That was a dream I had since Ricardo had told me about Henry, so for three days. I still haven't found the opportunity to tell Ricardo. Every time I had the courage to do it, something came up and then that same courage disappeared again.

Today was Friday, which meant my suspension was over, and although I didn't feel like going to school, I had to because I didn't want Henry to come between me and my life when he was eleven hours and 4280 miles away.

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