42 | remains of the enemy

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| Alessia |

trigger warning: sexual assault, physical abuse

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trigger warning: sexual assault, physical abuse

There are two principles taught in life, when you give you get back, and you get back what you give.

Both sounded simple and equitable at first. You did good and got good in return; you did bad and got bad in return.

It was Caleb who told that the world wasn't just black and white, and he was right.

It was all a mess.

When we do bad things, bad things are done to us by hurting the people closest to us. And the good things you couldn't really enjoy out of fear that they would be taken away from you.

A loud thud sounded. It wasn't a gunshot, more like a big object had dropped. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight to check what happened in the hallway.

My gaze fell on Marcel, who sat on the stairs. We've never really talked apart from pleasantries, but I couldn't just leave him there, so I went up to him.

"Are you okay?"

He raised his head before dropping it again. "Yeah," he slurred, and if that wasn't proof enough that he was drunk, his clothes reeked of alcohol.

He held on to the stair railing and tried to stand up, but the constant swaying made it difficult for him. After the first attempt failed, I waited to see how the second one would go but realised he wouldn't make it far on his own

"Wait."I put my phone on a dresser in the hallway. "I'll help you."

When he leaned on me, I would have liked to let my knees give in and fall to the floor- that's how heavy he was.

"Where is your room?" I asked to know which direction we had to go in.

However, all he said were unintelligible words that I couldn't decipher, so I decided to help him to my room for now, since it was closest.

He sat down on the edge of my bed, and I left him there to search in my bathroom for painkillers, which I found rather quickly in the drawer full of unopened medicines that had been prescribed to me.

I opened the bathroom door again and was startled when Marcel was standing right in front of the door. I couldn't deny it any longer, besides his blood-red eyes, he also had a look in his eyes that made uneasy.

I put my hand on my chest. "You scared me a bit."

Walking around him, I put the things down on my bedside table when all of a sudden a hand wrapped around my neck.

Marcel pushed me onto my bed, and a second later, I felt his weight crushing me.

I put my hand on his and tried to remove it from my neck. "Can you-"

SolaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora