Alice Vision of Edward's Mate & Anthony's Mate

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It was a normal day in Washington Forks for the Cullen family. But little did they know that would change in a matter of minutes. Emmett & Rosalie were outside in the forest, hunting for animals to drink from. While every other Cullen was inside the house.

About 10 minutes later Rosalie & Emmett came back inside of the house after they finished their hunt. Emmett started to play games with Jasper & Anthony while Edward & Carlisle was playing chess & Rosalie & Esme were talking about random stuff like cars & other things. 

Alice was in the kitchen putting flowers in a vase with water. She picked up the vase that she just put flowers into & started to walk back to the living room, where all of the other Cullen's were. As she was walked she started to get a vision.

Alice's Vision of Edward & Katherina/Katherine Swan

Alice saw Edward smiling at a brunette girl with tan skin & eyes dark as the night sky. Edward was looking at this girl with love & awe in his eyes. Then Edward ran up to her with his vampire speed & picked her up throw her over his shoulder then begin to ran with her over his shoulder, while his mate was giggle & yelling at Edward to put her down, he eventually did put her back down on the ground & then they kissed. A few minutes later the vision started to change, Alice saw Edward and the same brunette running through the forest but not in normal speed but in Vampire speed, as they ran through the forest, the sun started to shined on them & Edward & his soon to be mate, skin started to sparkle just like cold one vampires do. 

Alice's Vision of Anthony & Isabella/Bella Swan

Then Alice saw another vision but this time it wasn't about Edward & his mysterious mate, this vision was about Anthony & a girl who looked very similar to Edward's mate but the only different was Edward's mate was a whole lot tanner while Anthony's mate looked to be white as snow. Anthony was looking at this mysterious girl with content & love in his eyes, then he ran over to her in his vampire speed & hugged her like she was gonna die any minute then gave her a kiss full of his love for her. A few minutes later the vision started to change, Alice saw Anthony and the same brunette with pale skin running through the forest chasing a mountain lion but there weren't running in normal human speed but in Vampire Speed, as they ran after the mountain lion, the sun begin to shine through all the tree's in the forest & Anthony & his soon to be mate, skin started to sparkle just like cold one vampires do. Eventually Anthony's Mate caught up to the mountain lion & tackled it to the floor then bit into it's neck & begin to feed from it.

With that Alice's vision's ended. Jasper immediately rushed over to his mate with his Vampire speed. 

"Are you alright, love? What happened? What did you see?" Jasper asked his mate with worry on his face.

"I'm fine Jas. I just had 2 visions of 2 of our family member's." Alice said to Jasper.

 Immediately everyone begin to look at Alice with confusion about what she saw in her visions. 

"Well what did you see." Rosalie asked worried about what happened in these visions, & If someone was coming to hurt her family & mate. 

"I saw Edward kissing & Hugging a tan brunette & I also saw Anthony doing the same thing with a different brunette with skin as white as snow, I also believe that both of the girls related to one another, their sisters but I also saw both of the girls becoming cold one's."

"But what does that have to do with them kissing girls." Emmett asked Alice.

"It means that Edward's & Anthony's mates are coming to Forks soon." Alice said to her Adoptive Mother.

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