"Surprise?? What did you plan this time??" I asked. "Curious??? You like this place so you will surely like it. Just have patience and come with me after dinner. We have somewhere to go." He spoke. "And what about my clothes?" I questioned. I couldn't go out like this.

"Don't worry, we are not going to some fancy place. Just a little surprise in the woods." He said. Only someone like him can come up with some weird ideas!! Not I mind though because in the end, they are always beautiful.

"I can't wait to see then!" I said in excitement. "Food first?" he suggested. "Okay... But don't drag it." I stated. He laughed while pulling away and then moving to leave. He began to walk towards the stairs and I hurried to join him. I needed to see this surprise of him.

He descended the stairs and walked towards the dining room. To my astonishment, he had already set the table for meal. "You already finished it?" I asked in surprise. "Yup... You were enjoying yourself so I thought it's better to let you take your time and finish the work. Beside, I like to cook for you. I won't be getting an opportunity to cook once we return so I am utilizing my chances to max." he cleared.

Who will be worried that they might not get to cook once they return home? Sometimes, the things Ae got worried about made me laugh but then again, he showed how much he loved me, cooking for me was something he liked and a way to express all his love towards me. I had never tasted anything much delicious than this.

Also, it was rare to see this mafia boss wear tank tops and sweatpants and roam in the kitchen like a normal person. "Are you going to keep standing or will you try out the new dish?" he questioned snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You are spoiling me!! What if I get used to your cooking and then hate the food at mansion?" I voiced out. I just wanted to tease him. "Then, I will cook for you. I am the boss, and I can do anything, let alone cooking for you." He said proudly. Hmmmm... You will always find some or the other way to do what you want.

"Let's finish the dinner. I am dying to see the surprise." I said while making myself comfortable in the chair. He began to fill my plate with food while I watched him in awe. Can this person who looks so soft be a mafia leader? But you should not be fooled by appearance because this guy was the most fierce and feared in the underworld.

I began to eat enjoying the delicious taste of the food on my tongue, moaning at how good it was. Ae was watching me all this while as I savored the dish and wiped the plate clean. He sure is going to make me yearn for his cooking after we return. If this continues, I might stop eating the food cooked by the maids.

After the dinner, Ae cleaned the utensils while he asked me to wait for him in the living room. I was impatient since I wanted to see what he had planned for me. After what felt like eternity, he finally appeared all ready to leave.

"Shall we?" he asked. "Yes!!" I screamed in excitement. He then held my hand while he guided me out of the house and then towards the narrow path. He held a torch in his hand while he walked forward. But it wasn't too dark because the place was illuminated with moonlight.

He took up a narrow route that was passing from under the trees that formed a perfect cover above the head. Ae held my hand in a secure grip while he went deeper and deeper in to the woods. I should have been scared but I wasn't because the person holding my hand was giving me courage and making me strong.

After walking for few minutes, I can finally hear the sound of water. It wasn't the sound of the river water but rather the loud sound of water pouring from great heights. After walking for little more, we stepped into a clearing and I finally had the view of what was getting me curious.

There was a waterfall and the place looked quite beautiful. There were some bushes growing nearby with beautiful flowers. I can see the fireflies moving around adding more to the beauty. The place was bathed in moonlight and it had better view than the one I had from the house.

"It's so beautiful Ae!!" I said in admiration while looking around the place. There couldn't be anything more beautiful than this... "I am glad that you liked it." Ae said.

He moved away from me and I looked at him, the next moment, he was stripping off his clothes. "AE!! What are you doing?" I asked in panic. "We are having a bath in this place. Quick, remove your clothes." He ordered. "Ae!! You can't be serious." I said, his movements had left me stunned.

"You don't want those clothes to get wet. Right? Take them off before I do it. Or else, you are going in water with clothes on. And then, you will be returning home all wet or may be without clothes???" he said while smirking. He has planned this in advance!!

"Fine!!" I replied in grumpy tone and began to undress myself. It was nothing much because I was still wearing the over-sized shirt and the shorts. I quickly removed them and placed them on a secure place before finally moving towards Ae. He extended his hand forward and I place my hand in his.

He slowly began to move towards the water and within no time, we were in the water enjoying the bath. Surprisingly, the water was not cold but was rather warm. I was simply doubting. We were immersed in the water till our neck. Ae had pulled me against him and I was now standing in water with my head resting on his shoulder.

"Sometimes, moments like this are very precious. We might not get another chance to come here so I want to enjoy each and every second with you." Ae spoke in a low voice. "This place is beautiful Ae.... Thanks for bringing me here." I said. I had never dreamt of visiting a place like this.

We were basking in the moonlight with fireflies surrounding us, the sound of water pouring was like a rhythm. The warmth it held added more to the effect. "You know what is the best part of coming here?" Ae asked.

I didn't know what he liked about our vacation so I asked him, "What?" He pulled me closer resting his chin on my head, his movement creating ripples in the water. "The best part is living my life with you without fear. I can be me with you. The best part is to realize how deeply I love you and how much I want to have my own family. It's this beautiful feeling that makes me want to treasure you. I want to hold your hand, hug you close to my chest, look at your beautiful face everytime, hear your voice over and over again. Call me crazy if you want but I am madly in love with you Pete. Thank you for having kept patience with someone like me who didn't even realize his own feelings for months. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moments with me." Ae let out his emotions.

Tears began to pool in my eyes as I heard those words. I hugged him tightly and buried my face in the crook of his neck while I whispered, "I love you too Ae...."

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