58. Savior In The Dark

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It was like as if she was in a cellar with no connection to the outside world. No windows, no doors, just an empty room with walls. And she was in it for days. Scratching her nails against the cemented floor, and silently wailing but now one is there to listen to her. It's like pieces of her are breaking and she is falling apart like a crumbling mountain. The strong-headed girl with a powerful mindset, was now sinking into the depths of agony.

For Seokjin, has stabbed where it hurt the most.

Her blind trust.

She didn't certainly expect— nor that anyone could have fore-said it beforehand, that Taehyung was the one who had made it possible to turn the little baby into a buff, tall man with veins protruding out and biceps twisting because of the over muscular growth.

True, Jungkook was like a damn eye candy that people could have around themselves for hours but he was still a child at heart. He might have grown physically but he was still the kid that got excited over Pororo that she knew.

Yeonhee could see the similarities between his younger and the older self and that certainly helped her heart to believe that he was still the same Jungkook. The same person who smiled at the littlest things and would always curl up in a ball under a blanket during thunderstorms.

She felt the achievement of a mother radiating off her when he accomplished something. Be it a little game or successfully making her laugh after a long tiring day. She was always there, smiling at him and feeling the bond between them growing stronger but she never realised that the 'platonic' lob that she had for him wasn't just something that.

She had begun to love him without even realising.

Not in the way she thought she did, of course.

"Are you watching?"

The voice brought back her consciousness to the current situation.

She was in a completely dark room and Jungkook was in front of her, but separated by a glass with a hand-sized hole a little above the wooden wall covering half of the glass and a same sized semicircle cut open at the horizon like those visitor rooms in prisons.

His side of the room was well lit but hers wasn't, hence light trespassed into her side and alighted the things it could touch. Like the big speaker at the top corner beside the thick wall of glass, it vibrated everytime Seokjin said something.

These times were hectic to her and she didn't know about how long she was trapped in here. Perhaps, days.

"Why do I feel like I'm the main character of a book and the author has some sort of disliking towards me because everything is going wrong." Yeonhee sighed as her rational part of her mind quickly started its gears and she was now thinking of a way to get out of here. She couldn't just achieve something extraordinary while remaining in her comfort zone, if she wants to save Jungkook and herself, then she has to think of something because nothing will happen if she decides to be a baby.

"Yeah, ditcher. I'm watching." She raised her voice and she swore she heard a little snicker from the intercom.

"Well, good. Because, your darling Jungkook will be having another guest just few moments."

Just as the line went silent, she saw the door behind Jungkook being opened and Yoongi pushing something inside the room. It had a black cloth covering over it so she couldn't see what, or precisely— who, is underneath it.

He pushed it till it was laterally parallel to Jungkook and pressed some buttons which allowed the wheels in the chair to disappear into legs. The chair was similar to the chair Jungkook was held bondage to so Yeonhee assumed that pushing those buttons back can make the wheels come back and make their getaway easier.

Baby Or Daddy? (JJK) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz