"Shoot this dumb bird", said Mr Noh.

One of the goons immediately took aim, but before he could shoot, Jimin ran and took the chicken in his arms, "Don't shoot her" he pleaded.

The rest of the group jumped up from the couch in fear.

"You, go and stand with the bloody bird on the other side of Mr Namjoon, I want to see him sign", said Mr Noh.

Jimin fearfully went and stood next to Namjoon. As Namjoon kept the pen on the paper, Tae realized that it was now or never, screamed, "PETRONELLA!!!"

Immediately the chicken plopped out an egg that squarely landed on the documents, burst open and destroyed the papers. The dog, which was sitting patiently in the corner, jumped up and started licking the paper further destroying it.

"NOW" screamed Yoongi and pushed Kookie who took the cue to run out of the door with Euna. He was stopped by the goon who came with the papers. But Tae rushed to his aid and pulled his gun off and threw it through the open window. Kookie managed to open the door and run out. The goon recovered from the attack of Tae and pushed him down and ran after Kookie. He did not progress much as he tripped in the hole that Hobi had dug last evening to bury the rat and forgot to cover up, that gave Kookie a head start.

Inside the house, the situation was chaotic. As soon as the paper was destroyed, Namjoon headbutted Mr Noh who fell to the ground. With two goons still armed, Jin and Jimin tackled one. Jin gave the goon a high kick to his face, while Jimin who had put down Petronella wrestled the gun out of his hand and threw it under some furniture. Yoongi was having a hard time, the other goon was taking an aim at Namjoon who was punching Mr Noh and Yoongi managed to push him to the ground, but his armed hand was still free.

"HOBA...." shouted Yoongi.

Hobi who was frozen for a second at the commotion came to his senses ran to Yoongi's aid and kicked the gun under a cabinet. They both punched him.

Finally Jin was able to extricated himself from the goon by pushing him against a wall. He then grabbed the keys and ran out to start the truck. Namjoon got up and found Tae and Jimin and pushed them out of the front door and ran back to help Yoongi and Hobi.

Tae screamed, "BAM" who ran out following his name and Tae managed to get to the back of the truck hoisted Bam and then climbed in.

Jin was waiting nervously with the engine running, finally Yoongi and Hobi ran out followed by Namjoon who closed the front door behind him. Hobi got behind Jin while Yoongi took the seat next to him. Namjoon ran to the truck and did a quick count, "Where the hell is Jimin?" he asked.

The others shook their heads, they did not know.

"JIMIN, GET YOUR ASS IN THE TRUCK RIGHT NOW!" shouted Namjoon at the house.

The front door burst open and Jimin ran out followed by the goon and clutched safely in his hands was Petronella.

"I can't leave her behind", said Jimin as he handed the chicken to Tae and climbed into the back of the truck.

Namjoon got into the front seat and said, "Hyung lets go".

Jin gunned the engine and took a reverse and turned and sped through the lane. They had to find Kookie and Euna now. It did not take long. Near to the turning the goon had managed to catch up to Kookie. They were in a fist fight. Since Euna was still in his hands, Kookie could not attack well, so instead of attacking, he was bearing his punches so that Euna would not get harmed.

"Yoongi hyung", screamed Namjoon.

"Right behind you, Namjoona", said Yoongi and they both got out of the truck that barely stopped near the fighting duo.

Namjoon pushed the man aside and took Euna from Kookie's hand and gave her to Yoongi who grabbed her and ran back into the truck.

Kookie, now that his arms were free, jumped and gave a neat roundhouse kick to the man sending him flying.

Namjoon spied Mr Noh's cars and he pulled Kookie and said, "Get in, they are behind us".

Kookie ran to the back of the car and was pulled in by Tae and Jimin.

The baby was crying because of the manhandling and it took all of Jin's might not to jump out and take her from Yoongi.

"Hyung lets go, lets go" said Namjoon urging.

Jin immediately accelerated. One of the cars of Mr Noh had stopped to pick up the goon while the other one was getting too close.

"Yoongi, get down", shouted Jin as the car rammed against Jin and Hobi's side. Yoongi got down with Euna while Hobi lay a protective hand over them. "This is utter madness" shouted Hobi as he felt the crash.


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