Chapter 23

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Dahlia's POV

"We can still go out if you'd like," he suggested, making me frown.

Does he not want to go?

He might have read my expression and corrected himself before grinning at him to let him lead the way.

I should not be freaking out because nice people exist too, and that's what they say to others.

But I am.

I am freaking out, internally, at least.

And it's even worst because of my silly crush on Zeke, who, by the way, stood mighty fine wearing blue today. Plus, his dashing smile.

I pursed my lips to calm down the giddiness.

Get yourself together, Dahlia.

"Where do we go?" I asked, thankful my voice was stable.

"There is a pier nearby here which has a restaurant. It's casual and chill," he explained.

"Good food?" I rose a brow. "'Cause I'm really hungry."

Zecheriah let out a laugh before nodding, "I assure you." He offered his elbow for me to hold on to as we walked to the pier.

Italy had a perfect breeze that night.

"Is it bad that I feel guilty for what we did to Lewis and Coraline?" I looked up at Zeke.

"Eh, they'll get over it," he shrugged. "It's just a matter of time."

I frowned, "That doesn't make it any better. And what did Lewis mean about mentioning about me?"

Zecheriah let out a soft laugh, shaking his head, "My sister picked us up at the airport since she worked with you last week with the... week thing. Fashion week, right?"


"Yup, that one. It might have been my fault for not telling our intentions on going here," He finished, then pointed to the small restaurant nearby the water. "There it is."

"It's so pretty," I commented. It had iron chairs, and the lights were softly glowing to set the mood. It was comfy.

"Buonasera, Signore... Signora. Come posso aiutarti? (Italian: Good evening, Sir... Madam. How may I help you?)" A hostess greeted us with a smile.

"Un tavolo per due per favore, (Italian: A table for two please)" Zecheriah answered, with his infamous Italian accent.

There goes my heart.

"Certo, Signore. Seguimi, (Italian: Sure, Sir. Follow me)" She started to walk with menus in her hand and motioned her hands to follow her.

I do not understand anything that they conversed but I'm guessing it's about having our table.

Zecheriah unlatched his arms with mine and placed them at my lower back, guiding me.

She led us to a table outside. It was a veranda that overlooked the night ocean of Milan.

Zecheriah pulled a seat for me, and I thanked him before he sat in front of me.

The hostess left the menus and talked some more which I could not understand because it was Italian.

"You look cute," Zecheriah chuckled, opening his menu.

"Pardon?" I asked, taking a back, not sure if I heard him right.

He looked up from the menu, chuckling again, "I said you look cute. You're so lost with what she's saying."

A blush crept up from my neck to my cheeks. I cleared my throat and said a silent thank you, opening the menu.

Keep it cool, Dahlia. Keep it cool.

Everything on the menu was Italian.

"Can you translate?" I asked him, hesitantly.

Zecheriah broke out in a grin, showing his pearly whites and the dimples on his cheek, "Sure."

When a waiter came to get our order, I ended up getting what Zecheriah got. It was an Osso buco. It's veal shanks braised in a red-wine reduction with vegetables, topped with a gremolata, a seasoning mixture of lemon zest, garlic, and parsley. And Zecheriah ordered a Risotto Alla Milanese too.

"White or red?" Zecheriah asked me, pertaining to the wine.


He ordered one in Italian once again to the waiter as my phone beeped, saying there was a message.

From Emmett: You better get banged properly tonight ;)

I pursed my lips in annoyance and replied to him.

To Emmett: Fuck off.

"What's got you huffin' and puffin'?" Zecheriah asked, making me shut down my phone and place it inside my bag.

"It was just Emmett," I waved it off.

"How'd you like Italy so far?" He queried.

"It's great. I haven't seen much since I've been stuck inside hotels and fashion shows last week. And after we ran into you at the plaza, we just didn't want to go out in fear that Coraline will see you," I chuckled.

"That was stressful as fuck," he laughed softly, leaning back in his chair comfortably.

"Signora, Signore," the previous waiter came back with a bottle of wine and glasses.

"Ah, here it is," Zecheriah reached out for the bottle and popped the cork open, pouring in each glass.

"Grazie," I thanked him before taking a small sip of the wine.

Letting the wine sit under my tongue for a moment, I savored its flavor before gulping it.

"Woah. That's one of the best wines I've ever tasted," I said in amazement.

"Prego," Zecheriah winked at me as he sipped on his glass too.

And I can't help but watch his lips lock into the delicate glass and pull it away. He licked his lips to get the remaining wine on them.

Can I do it instead?

"Are you listening?" Zecheriah broke out of her trance.

My lids flutter back to his eyes in alert, "Yeah."

"What did I say?" He cocked a brow at me.

I stayed silent, feeling warmth creep up to my cheeks.

Zecheriah shook his head, laughing softly, "I didn't say anything, Mamas."

That name again. My whole entire body is now burning.

The way it rolled off from his tongue with his deep voice and a hint of Italian accent to it will be the death of me.

He makes it so hard not to have a little crush on him.

The waiter came back, saving me from my misery as he placed both Zecheriah and I's food.

"It smells amazing," my mouth started to water with the aroma, mixing with the breeze of the ocean below the veranda.

"Buon appetito!" Zecheriah told me that I took the hint as a signal to start eating.

I take the first bite of my food and moaned softly.

I feel like I could die with how good the flavors melted into my mouth.

Or maybe, it was because I was starving.

Either way, the food was amazing.

"This is fucking good," I spoke in between bites, humming in delight.

I looked up to Zecheriah, who was quiet and staring at me, "Sei bello."

I pulled out the fork inside my mouth with a pop, "What?"

He had a small smile on his lips before he translated it, "You're beautiful."

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