Chapter 16

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Dahlia's POV

"What's wrong with instant, anyways?"

Tell me this dude is joking.


"Please tell me you don't drink that?" I let out a horrified expression.

"Sometimes that's all the hospital has when the vending machine isn't working. Beggars can't be choosers," he said, giving me a quick look before turning his eyes back on the road.

"We can't be friends," I said while shaking my head.

"And why not?" Zeke asked.

"You drink instant! That's sugar pretending to be coffee!"

He let out a loud laugh. His lips, stretching wide-reaching his eyes for his pearly whites to be seen, and his dimples seen on his cheeks.

"Dahlia," he said in between laughter, "I'm gonna crash the car if you don't stop making me laugh."

I huffed while crossing my arms, "I'm not trying to make you laugh. I'm trying to break a friendship here. I refuse to be associated with someone who drinks an impostor coffee."

His laughter died down after a couple more seconds. "Ok, ok," he breathed, "God, you made my night."

For some reason, his comment made my cheeks hit up. I don't need a mirror to know I'm blushing.

Good thing it was night and dark, so he wouldn't see them.

"How about this. If you like the coffee is where we are going, then let's have a truce," he offered with a teasing smile.

"Okay, deal," I nodded.

"Great, because we're now here," he said, pulling up to the side of the road.

I got outside and was embraced the cold breeze of New York.

We walked inside, and warmth instantly wrapped me with the aroma of baked goods and brewed coffee.

"Uh-huh. I know. It tastes better than it smells," the man spoke with smugness in his face.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The cheerful cashier greeted.

Scanning the menu, I decided to order a plain black coffee while Zecheriah got the same thing with a chocolate chip muffin.

The cashier gave us the total, and Zecheriah paid for it said, "For the truce."

I chuckled then went to find a table. The cafe was empty, so I chose somewhere besides the glass window.

"Here you go," Zecheriah said while placing the tray of food on the table. He sat across from me and handed my cup, "You sure you don't want to eat?"

"No, thank you," I said before taking my first sip. I hummed in delight because it was perfect.

He shrugged, "Suit yourself." Then he began eating bits of the muffin.

I followed his movements from the way he peeled the baking cup, biting into the soft bread and licking his lips wet after that.

I felt tingling sensations awakened in my core.

Is it possible to be jealous of a muffin?

Ugh, god, Dahlia.

Emmett might be right. Maybe it's time that I need to get laid.

"Did your dad like the gift?" He broke my trance.

"Huh?" I said, caught off guard.

He repeated, "The watch. Did your dad like it?"

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