Life's a Masquerade

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Authors Note: an Halloween special even it's not Halloween! Hope you guys enjoy anyway! 😇

Today's the day. Halloween, well.. Few days to go but right now we're setting up an Halloween party that's gonna be held soon enough

" let's move!" I hear Enrie shouted, " we got a lot of work to do, to get ready for this costum party!"

I'm helping this girl I met. Her name is Angela, I met her a month ago and we been friends since then

" yo, Angela" I hear Zack try to flirt with my friend again as we go passed the boys, we turn to him, " can I be of some assistance?"

" she alright got one" I said as Zack approached us

" is your friend really this weird?" Angela whispered to me

I laugh and push her to the place we're putting our part of the decoration

" wait up, girls!" Zack yelled

I got a ladder for Angela to hang her thing up while I held onto the ladder for support, I guess I'm not the only one hear a commotion when I turn around to see a pink bucket with white paint now all over Bulk which made us laugh

" you look like a ghost" Skull laughed

" now, there's a scary thought" Trini smiles at the others

I shook my head and continue helping my friend


After helping Ernie setting the party up, we met at Billy's house after we got our costum, I'm dress as a angle because I am

" this is going to be a morphinomenal party!" I hear Kimberly said excitedly as I approached them

" whoa, a angle?" Zack asked me

I flip my hair

" you like?" I asked them

" it's suits you" Trini compliments

I smile at her

" why thank you, ah.." I eye of her costum, " Indian princess"

She smiles at me, I look at Billy

" Bills, you look like that Sherlock Holmes dude" I compliment him as he and the other arrives

" thank you, angle" Billy said to me

" who will win the first prize?" Trini suddenly asked

" who else?" Zack asked laughing

" where's Tommy?" Kimberly asked us

" his costum isn't finished yet" Jason answers

" he'll catch up with us later" I tell her

" let's go to the party!" Zack said excited

We all headed to the Youth Center of the party being held


We have arrived at the Youth Center, Angela and I watch the others dance as we're at the snack table and trying to ignore Zack flirting with one of my close friends again

" yo, Angela, you want to dance?" Zack asked her

" go back to your tomb... Tut" Angela replied

Suddenly she drag me to the other snack table that's the other side of the Youth Center while I was drinking my soda in a plastic cup. Angela decided to talk to some other people to make friends so I just stayed with Kimberly and Trini

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