The Dark Warrior

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Authors Note: hola guys! Sorry this may be a little crappy, I'm just a little rusty but hope you enjoy it!

Right now I'm at the Youth Center. Jason doing his karate class, I'm sitting next to Billy at the counter

" hey, Billy, Selena" Trini greeted as she approached us

" hey" Billy greeted back, I however just wave hi with a smile, " sure wish I had Jason's outstanding moves"

" oh" Ernie spoke up, " speaking of moves, would you mind taking these over to the recycling bin for me, Billy?"

" oh, no problem" Billy answers and walk to the recycling center with the things Ernie wanted him to throw away

Trini come sit next to me

" hey! Geek head! Let me borrow a guarter!"

We turn our heads to see not one and only.. Bulk and Skull. The two morons walking towards Billy

" uh, gee, sorry fellas, I don't have any to spare right now" Billy apologized while he was searching for any

Bulk and Skull go close to his face

" what?!" Bulk asked then snaps his fingers, " get him"

The two lifted Billy up and down, dumping coins on the floor. Trini and I look at each other unpleased of the scene, we go over to them, Trini squated down to pick up a coin Bulk wanted and hand it to me. Once Bulk and Skull about to do a head bump after a fist bump I cut in and hit both of them on the heads, They walk out of the Youth Center dizzy

" Billy... Billy"

I turn my head back to Billy to see Trini helping him up

" are you all right?" I asked him

" I'm always gettin' picked on" Billy sighs

" I know something that will cheer you up, you know my uncle Howard? The famous scientist is coming?" Trini smiles

" even scientific achievement isn't much comfort to me right now" Billy says, he goes closer to watch Jason's karate class

He glanced back at Trini and I before taking off


It's later of the day right now, the girls and I watching Billy of doing Jason's karate class and I'm not gonna lie, he did hella good. Jason than dismisses his class

" Billy! You were great!" Kimberly compliments him as he approached us three

" yeah!" I agreed

" I can't wait for you guys to meet my uncle Howard, the famous scientist, he's just invented a new secret formula" Trini explained as our other friends join us

" isn't he also world famous champion matrial artist?" Jason asked Trini

" how'd you know that?" Trini asked him

" the guy's a living legend" Jason answers

" wow" I said impressed, " a karate scientist?"

" now, that's what I call an inspiration" Billy said

I smile at him

" see Billy? Don't give up" Zack tells him, " maybe Trini's uncle Howard can give you some extra help"

" you know, he'll be a perfect tutor for you!" Trini pointed at Billy, she then look somewhere else and I see behind Billy there's a old looking man smiling over at us, " uncle Howard!"

Trini got up and hug what apparently to be her uncle

" oh, these are my friends, uncle" Trini introduce

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