Peace, Love and Woe

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I am currently in the Youth Center with the gang, Jason teaching Trini some moves, I'm helping Billy and Zack with the decorations for the dance tonight, Billy, Zack and I carring a red silky banner

" make way for the Bulkster dweebs, yahoo!" I hear someone said

I turn my head to see Bulk riding a skateboard along with Skull trailing behind, Billy scream when Bulk comes closer to us and we three scream when he crashed into our banner we were holding

" hey Bulk!" Billy shouted after him

Bulk couldn't see where he's going and Trini accidently kicks him while riding by blinded

" whoops! Sorry Bulk" Trini apologized to him, Bulk finally gets the banner out of his face

" out of the way dork head!" Bulk says to Kimberly as they were about to bump into each other but Kim move out of the way in time

" watch where you're going!" Kimberly says to him

" I can go wherever I want to goooo!" Bulk says

I see Ernie walking down with a cake in his hands but Bulk crashes into him and onto the cake, I drop my jaw

" oh!" I said in shock of the scene

The gang and I along with Skull go over to them to see if there fine

" you sure that's where you wanted to go Bulk?" Skull asked him

We laugh at them

The two stand up

" you boys better follow the rules and pay for the cake or just don't come back" Ernie tells the two trouble makers and carry them out of the Youth Center

" ooh, those two never learn" Zack comments, I hum in agreement, Zack turns to Billy, " yo Billy! Speaking of which, why don't you let me teach you a couple of moves for the dance tonight?"

Zack did some impressive moves

" just to impress the ladies" Zack finish his thoughts

" ah, no thanks, I'm not really interested in engaging feminine attention through bodily gyrations"Billy declines the offer

I have a confused expression

" say what?" I asked him

" Billy doesn't want to dance just to attract girls" Trini tells me

I nodded to understand

" yeah, well to teach his own, Billy boy" Zack says

" so Billy, did you ask anyone to the party tonight?" Jason asked him

" negative" Billy answers

" no way! Come on, there's gotta be some girl in your class you can ask" Kimberly says to him

" my priority is to complete my expernemental weather analyzing device in my labratory, see you later guys" Billy says

" see ya" Trini says

" bye" I said when we see him walk off

We turn to the entrance to see a girl haves her hair to a ponytail bumps into Billy, I see something, I think her necklace drop on the ground, they look at each other

I smile of the scene

" I apologize profusely" Billy apologized to the girl

" oh, think nothing of it" the girl says, " I'm afraid neither one of us were monitoring our designated entrance or exit"

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