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Right now the girls and I try to get people to sign an application of the dump sight and also to make our planet better

" stop the pollution of our neighborhood!" Trini shouts

" sign a petition, shut the dumpsite down!" Kimberly said, a person sign her clipboard

" we can hardly stand the smell, let them know that you care!" I shout

Some people come to me and sign the paper, Mr. Kaplan, our principal of the school walk over to us, we turn to him

" oh, hi Mr. Kaplan" I greeted our principal

" now, this is wonderful girls! It's dandy that you're trying to clean up the environment " Mr. Kaplan compliment us," but is this dumpsite as bad as you say?"

" you should see the place Mr. Kaplan, it's an industrial waste disaster" Trini answers

" who could stand to pollute like that?" Kimberly added, I nodded in agreement

Soon enough Mr. Kaplan left and we still try to get people to sign our papers

" hey ladies, what's up?" someone asked, we look infront of us to see Jason, Billy and Zack

" hi guys" I greeted them

" you're attracting a crowd" Jason pointed out

" you conducting a campaign?" Billy asked

" we're delivering these petitions today" Trini answers

" cool" Billy said

" yeah, you guys want to sign?" I asked as I put my clipboard out to them if they want to

" yeah" Jason said and sign the paper on my clipboard, he takes it and pass it to Zack and Billy

" come with us guys" Trini suggested, I smile at her

" I'd love to, but I have a karate class that I have to teach later and, I mean, it's a great cause but... I can't bug out on my students" Jason answers, we turn to Billy if he can go

" I must also decline" Billy answers, " I'm president of the science fair committee and today is our first meeting"

We turn to Zack, he looks up from the clipboard

" uh, I'd love to ladies but Alpha... He said he had something to talk to me about right away, I promised to meet him today, sorry" Zack answers

I tilted my head, his expression when he looked up from the clipboard before answering like.. He really not wants to go, but I won't force him

" it's okay" I said, I take my clipboard back from Zack

" Kimberly, Selena and I will go alone, but it would be a lot more impressive if we acted like a team" Trini said

She does have a point

" sorry girls" Jason apologized

" well thanks for signing the petitions you guys" Trini thanked them

" yeah thanks" Kimberly said

We say goodbyes to each other when the boys walk off, we hear something so we turn our heads to see Bulk, Skull and another person near some lockers

" hey, miss earth" Bulk said, he drops a can on the ground, " recycle that"

They laugh

" get a life Bulk" Kimberly said to them

" why don't you take this... To the dump with you?" Skull asked while crushing a can and throw it at us girls, luckily we ducked just in time

A person picks up the can Bulk threw on the floor and into a trash can, Skull didn't let the guy go

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