Just leave him alone

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Kai woke up second, though he hadn't realized that yet. He remembered vaguely falling asleep like this. His hands held close to his chest, Hari's arms around him. It's not the first time he's fallen asleep with other people before, but never another male.

It felt weird, but oddly enough, he didn't hate it. 'Are you awake?' Hari whispered. Kai nodded, he may have been awake but he still didn't want to open his eyes yet. 'Good.'

He was comfortable, anytime he was close to someone it was Poltergeist. And Poltergeist always made him cold, he was freezing when he was nearby. But this was different, having Hari so close to him, he felt warm. He felt safe.

'Hey, are you gonna say something?'

'Hm.' He mumbled slowly drifting back to sleep.

'Oh, c'mon it's starting to get awkward being awake by myself!'

'Were... You awake all night?' Kai asked groggily. He may have been worried that he made Hari stay up all night after he showed him such kindness, but still, he had just woken up.

'No, I slept plenty,' Hari smiled. 'I just woke up early.'

Kai nodded again and did his best to stay awake. He didn't know if Hari was anything like Father, but if he was he wouldn't be happy if Kai disobeyed.

He's never felt so safe with another human before. What was it about him that made Hari seem so comforting? Whatever it was, he didn't hate it.

Hari helped Kai sit up, and had Kai lean against him. Even if he wanted Kai to stay awake, he wanted him to be comfortable.


'Oh, Poltergeist, good morning Senpai.' Kai greeted, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

'Oh good, you guys are awake, look Kai has to get the Blood Drain over with. I've worked out everything with your mother, you can stay until the boss gets home.' Poltergeist said, crossing his arms, 'Come on Kai the quicker we get this over with the quicker you can go back to hanging out with your friend here.'

Kai flinched, he twiddled his thumbs, nervous.

Hari looked angry, even for a child. He grabbed onto Kai tightly and refused to let him go. 'No! Leave him alone!'

'Uh- Hari it's-'

'It's not okay!' He shook his head. 'Leave him alone he's just a child!'

'You two are the same age.' Poltergeist sighed. 'Anyway, you don't have a say in the matter so let him go. Relax, we're only doing five minutes for the next few days.'

Hari loosened his grip ever so slightly. 'No. Leave him alone. Just for today leave him alone, I'll let him go with you back down to that place without a fight every time after this. Just leave him alone.'

Poltergeist squinted, this kid wasn't gonna just let him go, and it's not like Poltergeist was the kind of guy to get into a fight with a Nine-year-old. He closed his eyes and raises his hands above his head, 'Fine. But promise you'll give him up without a fight tomorrow?'


'Ugh, alright. Then you two go ahead and get some more sleep, Kai your throat should start hurting in two hours exactly. I'll make you a glass of tea. I hope you two can have another minute or two of sleep. Children like you need it.'

Kai gasped. He'd never expected that Poltergeist would let him get away with what Manticore called a cheat day.


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