Let go of me now

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Phantom Arrow flew around Tokyo, trying to spot Terugo and Poltergeist from above. It's only been a week but thanks to his fight with a villain he quickly gained popularity, so things have been tricky getting around unnoticed. And what's worse, the lime-colored glow of his hands gave him away in the night sky, even with all the colorful lights around the city.

'Hey! Phantom Arrow!' A civilian voice called out.

He smiled at the small crowd of fans, 'Oh, yeah hey!' He waved. He may be looking for someone, but it'd be impolite to ignore them.

'Where are you going?' One fan asked.

'Oh just looking for someone, don't mind me okay? Enjoy your night!' He flew away before anyone else could ask any more questions.

He landed on a building. Thinking back to the kid, 'Please... Please don't go...' He couldn't get it out of his head, their fear, the way they grabbed onto him, the way they started to cry when they heard Terugo's voice. He couldn't help but think it was his fault they were suffering like this, it hurt him, mentally. To think that a child was suffering because he couldn't save them because he failed them.

He knew what Cipher would say, 'It's not your fault Juju. Next time we'll get her, I promise.' But that never made it better. He still hated himself. Even if he had died, at least the kid would be safe.

'I will save you, Kai.'



'Yes, Pup?'

'Who were those people?' Kai asked, softer than anyone could hear. But of course, Terugo knew what he wanted. Kai just didn't dare to ask.

'No one important. Forget about them. I don't want to hear you mention them again either. Understand?'

Kai flinched, whenever he said, 'Understand' that meant if he disobeyed he'd kill Eri the moment he got the chance. Terugo often took advantage of Kai's 'Boring behavior' as he put it. But Manticore calls it, 'Having a heart'. But no matter how you put it, it means the same thing, if he spoke of them again, Eri would die. So he bowed to his father and agreed to keep quiet.

Terugo smiled and patted him on the head, 'Good pet. Now then,' He stood up and snapped his fingers, 'Poltergeist, come here immediately.'

A ghostly figure appeared behind him, 'Yes Sir?'

'Bring our Puppy over here to his room. No debtors.'

Poltergeist bowed, 'Yes Sir, c'mon brat. Let's go.'


Poltergeist carried him through the building. They had a residency up above where the favored and privileged lived, so obviously Kai lived in the underground. The walls had a Tatami wallpaper, with wooden dividers every Nine feet. The floors were also made of dark green Tatami, and they weren't allowed inside while wearing shoes. They replace the Tatami every month or so after Terugo kills someone on it. Usually, because he was bored, he hates blood stains. There were speakers on the ceiling so Terugo could use his quirk on people over long distances. Technically he could do that anyway but like this, he could do it to more than one person. Obviously, this method isn't as effective over the speakers but still.

Kai was carried everywhere, partly because his legs hurt from them cutting them open, and partly because the only time he was allowed to walk on his own he ran away, and that time he was wearing socks. He slipped so he took them off. But he's been told that the floors were soft. Softer than the metal floors in the Experimentation Room he was allowed to stand on at least. 'They're probably gonna replace the Tatami soon again.' Poltergeist mumbled. Running his hand across the worn and tattered walls with one hand and holding Kai with the other.


'What do you want?'

'What's your real name?'

He froze, his pupil shrinking and enlarging again rapidly like he was really trying to think. Kai held his shoulder, he thought it was a simple question, but it seemed to confuse Poltergeist. 'P-Poltergeist?!' He asked, the ghost's body stopped trembling, and his pupil went back to normal.

'That.' He mumbled. 'That's my name. Poltergeist. That's all you need to know.'

'Okay, I'm sorry,' He clung to him, surprising the ghost. 'I won't ask again, I'm sorry... Please don't do that again...' Tears drained from his eyes. He didn't mean to hurt him. He didn't want to hurt anyone. 'I'm sorry.'

Poltergeist just glared at him, pushing himself off the wall with his free hand, and then pulled on Kai's ear. 'Don't pity me brat. I don't need it. Let go of me now.'

Kai let go and pulled his hands to his chest, 'I'm sorry Poltergeist... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.'

Poltergeist stared for a while and then sighed. He ruffled his hair, 'Don't worry about it kid. If it makes you feel better, you can call me Sensei, only if you'd like.'

Kai looked up at him, 'Sensei?' He asked.

'It means Teacher in Japanese.' Poltergeist said. He was his teacher, it's only fitting.

Kai grabbed Poltergeist's jacket. His skin was colder than ice, Kai was one of the three people on earth who knew Poltergeist was actually dead. But he thought he still had his memories. He thought he could learn his name. But this was something he wasn't allowed to bring up with Father. 'Okay... Sensei.'

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