Though I am getting far too ahead of myself. Perhaps that was what caught at Lilianna this morning. She sensed my eagerness and it may have taken her back. We have only just reconnected, I need to tell her I love her before I start properly thinking about things like marriage and kids. Those are for the future, but for me anyway they're definitely the objectives I've recently realised are possible for me. Not only possible but that I actually want these things with her.

"Where the fuck are you taking us?" Curby looks out his passenger window and I know he's clicked on to the area I've driven us to.

"Seven, this is Sergey's territory." Curby warns as if I don't know these are the streets the Russian's patrol.

"If we're going to overrule Victor, we're going to need some help." I conclude.

"Are you fucking crazy? What makes you think Sergey will even let you speak before putting a bullet in your head! We killed his son!" Curby panics.

"No, technically you killed his son." I correct him as Curby fidgets in his seat, taking his gun out from his suit and checking the magazine is full.

"Besides, Sergey doesn't know who personally killed his son. Only that it was an order directly from Victor." I point out, driving deeper into enemy lines.

"You're fucking crazy, you know that right?" Curby asks and I shrug.

"If we get killed because of this I'm gonna be fucking pissed." He warns and I smirk.

He's right though. This is a fucking crazy idea but I have no other way to contact Sergey without Victor's help. I reach down and grab my own gun from under the seat. Fingers finding the cool steel of my Beretta 92 and bring it to my lap, praying I won't have to use it. The nervous adrenaline is erratically clawing it's way through my bloodstream and it's a moment like this that has me itching for a hit of cocaine. The coke would work wonders in shutting my cognitive thoughts off and could have me marching into a lions den with nothing but a twig and I'd feel powerful and unstoppable. But right now, right now I have nothing but my tenacious wits and a prayer to see this through.


"What on earth are you wearing?" I hear Tiffany before I notice her approach. I stand from the seat and small table outside the cafe to greet her.

"Hey." She's dressed to impress, in classic Tiffany style. A burgundy pant suit, heels and Chanel pearl broach adorns her left lapel.

I look down at my borrowed black ensemble, curtesy of Seven. We couldn't be anymore different which makes me smile.

"Wait," Tiff pulls away from our hug to eye the black t-shirt.

"This smells of Tobacco Vanille. Is this a man's t-shirt? Though I am partial to a little Tom Ford scent myself." I'm not even surprised Tiffany is able to pick out Seven's exact cologne. I can't help the blush tinting my cheeks and she grins knowingly at me.

"Oh I think I'm starting to like this outfit a little more." She gestures up and down at me with her finger.

"So?" Tiffany asks as she takes her seat at the table.

"So what?" I know my cheeks are a brazen red which only encourages her.

"So are you going to tell me who the mystery man is that owns the clothes you are wearing?"

"Tiff." I sigh at her persistence and wave at one of the wait staff to gain their attention.

"Is it that guy who caused a ruckus at the uni pub the other night?" She questions and my head snaps to her attention so quickly I may gain whiplash.

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