Chapter 51

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I've been delt punishment beatings a fair few times in my life. The first from my uncle Victor for crying at my fathers funeral. I got another when I was about seventeen or eighteen when I rocked up to a job completely plastered. The last one I remember was for beating up a guy who was a dealer of some of our shipments. I had gone to his house to collect our profits and when I got there he was in the middle of a domestic dispute with his girlfriend. The guy didn't do anything to her while I was there but I could see the marks on her. It wasn't hard to piece together the events that had transpired prior to my arrival. Usually I wouldn't get involved in that type of shit but when I noticed the small kids in the corner of the living room who were absolutely terrified of him, well I guess my temper decided it was something I was going to get involved with. I put the guy in hospital for three weeks, enough time for his ex girlfriend to get her and her kids out and away from the scumbag. Still, the beating I received for doing it was about as equally harsh. I didn't get the luxury of hospital care though, no I just sat in my house alone to lick my wounds.

This beating is different however. There's something a little more personal about being made an example of in front of a bunch of people that are meant to be your inferiors. But I guess that was the reason for it, Victor was showing to everyone that no matter who you are, no matter how highly ranked or important you may be, if you cross him there are consequences.

It takes me a moment to realise I'm not alone in the cold shadowed basement. Someone is to the right of me, their tall frame seems enormously elongated with their arms held high above them. I don't register the handcuffs holding the arms up over the pipe till I stare a little longer. I recognise the sandy blonde hair and navy blue suit.

"Curby!" I call over but he doesn't respond. His head hangs with his chin to his chest and I gather he must be passed out. His white dress shirt is cover in blood and dirt and his face looks swollen from what I can see if it.

"Curby, you good?" I call out to him again, desperate to see some kind of movement from him but still nothing. I watch his chest anxiously, waiting for any signs of breath being drawn. Seconds feel like hours but eventually I notice the shallow fall of his chest as he breathes.

"Oh thank Christ." I sigh in relief.

"I'm sorry man. I'm gonna get you out of here. I'll tell him it was all me." I promise out loud hoping he can hear me. The sound of the heavy steel door opening and the loud music from upstairs interrupts us and I wait silently as the sets of footsteps shuffle down the stairs.

Victor comes in first followed by two other men. They all glance over at an unconscious Curby before Victor turns to me, my eyes drop to the desk not far in front of me. Whatever he has planned for me I'll be ready. If it's more beatings then I'll take them like the man he's brought me up to be. Anything to get this over with.

"Check if he's still breathing." Victor instructs one of the men who walks over to Curby, pressing his fingers into his neck to check for a pulse.

"He's good." The guy confirms for Victor.

"Let him go uncle. He didn't do anything wrong. It was me, it was all my idea I made him do it." I speak up.

"Oh I'm well aware of the things you've been up to Seven." Victor grunts and takes a seat behind the desk in front of me.

"Leave us." He orders the men over his shoulder.

"And take him with you." He nods towards Curby. The large men unhook Curby from his hanging position and his body folds forward unconsciously, over one of the men's shoulders as they carry him out.

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