• One More Day •

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I woke up to the beeping sound of a heart monitor. My wrists were in pain, what happened to me and why couldn't I remember anything?

A man came walking into my room so I backed up against the headboard. This isn't my room. The man towered over me before frowning slightly.

His eyes were green he was handsome and he had a lot of tattoos. He must be a figment of my imagination. That's it! I'm dreaming, that's why I'm not home.

"Sir, where am I?" I asked the man in front of me and he smiled at me.

"You're home, baby girl." He said and I frowned. This isn't my house. Did my parents move to a different house?

"But this isn't my home," I said and the man sighed.

"Rest, Nevaeh." He said and I backed away from him once more.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him and he smiled gracefully.

"How rude of me." He said and I frowned. "My name is-

"Hey! I see the patient is awake." A man said while stumbling into the room. He stood upright before smiling at me.

"Hi, Nevaeh." He said excitedly. He also has tattoos and his hair was brushed back with not one strand out of place. Who are these people?

"Who are you?" I asked and they smiled at me.

"Great it worked." The second man said happily.

"I'm Federico." The one with the green eyes said blankly.

"I'm Jorde." The other one said so I lifted my hand at them in a greeting manner.

A lady came walking inside so I frowned at her. Another one of them?

"Hi, I'm Kira." She said kindly so I briefly smiled at her.

"Why am I here? Why aren't I waking up?" I asked in confusion.

"You're not dreaming sweetheart," Kira told me.

"I need my insulin shot. That's why I'm imagining things again." I told them.

"Done." Federico said so I relaxed a bit.

"My parents must be looking for me. I should go home then." I announced.

"As far as I'm concerned your parents don't live in Spain," Jorde said and my eyes widened.

"You kidnapped me?" I asked and they laughed at me.

"No sweety we just erased your memory of the past year." They said and I was frozen for a few seconds. Who would do such a thing?

"I'm a minor," I said and they smiled.

"You're a nineteen-year-old girl and you have a baby. Doesn't seem that minor to me." Jorde said and I frowned.

"Are you dumb?" Federico asked him in anger. "He's lying sweetheart. You don't have any children, you're just a regular nineteen-year-old girl in college." He told me.

"When did I even turn nineteen?" I asked and the room went quiet. "Why would you do this to me?" I cried out loud.

"It was part of the job, it's nothing personal, Heaven." Federico said in a slow and gentle tone.

"It's kinda personal because you erased my memory!" I stated the obvious.

"Keep her for one more day. After that kick her out." Federico told Jorde and Kira. "My daughter is waiting for me." He told them before leaving the room.

"Why did you erase my memory?" I asked curiously.

"Because you knew our secret," Jorde said and Kira hit him on the arm.

"What secret?" I asked right before Kira and Jorde left the room.

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