• My Dirty Work •

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"We need to leave Bulgaria," I told my parents in fear.

"Nevaeh what are you talking about?" My dad asked in confusion.

"We're not safe here. Just trust me." I said and they nodded.

"Okay then let's pack our bags." My mom said and I nodded.

"Please be quick," I said in fear, I hope Calix is still somewhere in France searching for me.

"Mama, is there something that I can eat?" I asked and she nodded.

"Of course my beautiful girl. Just check in the refrigerator." My mom said while grabbing our passports.

"Nevaeh, come here." My dad said so I went over to him after I placed the bowl of food into the microwave.

"Hey, papa," I said before standing next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded. "Did he hurt you?" He asked and I frowned. Why does everyone just assume that they would hurt me?

"No, he didn't hurt me at all," I said softly. Except my vagina and my feelings.

"We are going to the capital of Iceland." My father said so I frowned.

"Isn't a capitol an obvious place?" I asked my dad.

"Exactly. But they're going to search in the places which aren't so obvious while we are in the obvious places." My dad said smartly.

"Not bad," I said before smiling at him.

"Come on Aleksandar. Reykjavik won't wait for us." My mom said and I frowned.

"Uhm calm down I need to take a shower and take my shot," I said and my parents sighed. My mom dropped the bags from her hands before grabbing my food from the microwave.

"Because nobody can say no to Nevaeh." My dad said under his breath so I glared at him. I hate when he's being sarcastic.

"I can't go overseas like this. It's gross." I said and then it hit me. I really am a spoiled brat. Holy shit.

"It's Lozovi Sarmi. It used to be your favorite." My mom said and I frowned. Then I grew up and it started to taste gross. But why do I crave them now?

"Weird," I said before biting into the roll of perfection. Oh my god, this is so delicious. I took the bowl from my mom and continued to eat.

This legit is my new favorite food again.

"So mom how did you recognize Jorde's tattoos?" I asked through my chews.

"Oh no I didn't. I got him confused with an old friend of mine." She said slowly.

"Oh, what friend?" I asked curiously.

"Someone from Spain." She said and I frowned deeply.

I felt my mouth watering so I dropped the sarmi into the bowl. I darted towards the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I fell to my knees before I emptied my guts into the toilet. I tiredly got up when I was done. Then I splashed my face before washing my hands.

I quickly brushed my teeth before sighing. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with me? It can't be what I think it is.

I need to go to a drugstore as soon as possible. I adjusted my hair and clothes before going out of the bathroom.

"Nevaeh what was that?" My mom asked and I frowned.

"What was what?" I asked acting dumb and she raised a single eyebrow at me.

"Why did you run to the bathroom like a crazy person? You've been in there too long so I know it wasn't to tinkle." She said and I sighed.

"Fine, it's diarrhea," I said blankly.

"Did you open the window?" My dad asked in disgust and I almost laughed.

"Sure thing Dad," I said and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"It's because they were feeding you rubbish over there. Don't worry you're home now." My mom said so I smiled at her.

"Well, you can't travel like this." My dad said and I know he was telling the truth.

"He's right darling." My mom said so I shook my head.

"No, we can still go. We can buy something at the drugstore." I said and my dad looked a bit hesitant.

"I'll take my bike," I said and my mom's eyes widened.

"You want to go out alone? You were just kidnapped like five seconds ago."

Not really.

I can't let my mom see me buying a pregnancy test. That's super sus. I don't even want to buy the stupid test but I need to be sure.

"You know what it's fine," I said softly. I'm just gonna call my best friend and ask her to do my dirty work for me.

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