ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 26_ᴍꜱ.ʟᴇᴇ & ᴄʜᴇᴇꜱy ʙᴏy

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Jungkook was tapping his feet anxiously on the airport grounds, waiting for his mother to arrive. She had texted him earlier this morning about her flight and gave him the timings. The reality struck even harder to him when he spotted his mother, looking as graceful as ever, in the crowd of about hundreds of people.

Ms. Lee was a smart woman who had always stood out from the crowd. She looked younger than her age and seemed confident in every aspect. Oh, how her son aspired to be like that some day!

"Mom!" He yelled, making the lady turn to the very familiar sound of her son.

She quickly caught notice and walked over to Jungkook with a small smile plastered on her face. Jungkook didn't know what to say. He could only stare back at her, waiting for her to start a conversation.

The mother simply ran her hands through the boy's hair, slightly ruffling them in the process.
"You look so much more good looking in person." Her eyes grew emotional, seeing her son in a long time. Jungkook chuckled slightly, still not able to look at her in the eyes before quickly getting a hold of her luggage and leading the way.

The car ride back home was a silent one. The kind that becomes awkward at one point but neither know how to get rid of this awkwardness.

Once they reached, even after settling the baggages, the two did not utter a word. Both afraid that something might go wrong if they did. The sudden and unnecessary tension in the house was so real that Jungkook almost wanted to escape.

"So," After having a glass of water and having spent a lot of time in an awfully silent apartment, his mother broke the silence,
"About what you told me day before-"

"It's true." The younger spoke, sitting across from her one of the chairs of his small dining area.

"Look at me while you talk, Kook." She spoke softly, barely able to see her son's eyes which were directed to the ground.

He reluctantly raised up his vision to his mom's level. He hated how under confident he felt about this. He hated how this was a matter that had to be explained.

"Think again, Jungkook. Are you really sure? It's probably just an assumption."

Jungkook smiled at that, a bit shaken by her words. What did she even mean by an assumption? Did she think he was that stupid?

"It doesn't work like that, mom. It's my sexuality." He answered after a pause of thinking it through.

"But you're possibly mistaken!" She spoke, voice growing a little louder and harsher, as if adamant on making her son believe her words.

"Why do you want me to be straight so badly!" He vexed out, almost yelling at this point as he reflexively got up from his seat.

"Because there's barely any respect for your community in the society!" She got up as well while pushing away her chair, facing her son with endless tears running down her cheeks.

"Kookie, I want you to live life very comfortably and normally. I obviously can't stop you if you want it the other way. Just as you said, it's your sexuality. You can't change it. But please consider what I'm saying for once." She walked over to him, and held the teary eyed boy's hands in her own.

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