ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 3_ᴄʀɪꜱɪꜱ

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The elder was surprised to hear the foreign word coming straight from Jungkook. While the younger was staring at him, Kim had already heard a bunch of footsteps marching towards them and when he looked at Jungkook's tensed look, he was certain.

What he didn't expect was for him to hold onto him in panic and address him as hyung. He smiled to himself when he felt the younger's horrified and helpless gaze on him, as if wanting to hear a word of assurance. His rising heartbeat was quite prominent for Kim to take an action quick.

"I know, it's alright. Just tell me what they're wearing." The elder whispered, trying to get a confirmation of their identities for the last time as Jungkook stared at the men.

"One is in a blue jacket and the other one is wearing something white." He mumbled as fast as possible, not wanting to be suspected by the two unknown men.

"Got it, look away. Don't stare in their direction anymore, alright?" Kim ruffled his soft brunette hair that were long enough to get his fingers entangled for a moment. Jungkook gave him a quick nod as he turned all his attention to the elder.

He couldn't get over his pretty cocoa-coloured eyes. He tried. He tried very hard to look away but something about those eyes made it hard for him to resist his urge as he continued staring with his own doe eyes. It felt like forever when he suddenly found a large hand waving towards him, bringing him out of his unbelievable thoughts.

"They're gone." Kim said in his normal deep voice as he pulled away from the younger, passing him a small smile. Jungkook looked around, feeling flustered by his actions as he hastily made way to his car.

"You know, you actually have a good fashion sense." Kim suddenly said, looking at Jungkook's jacket that he had borrowed to disguise himself in front of the two guys and then at Jungkook, who stood there in ripped jeans and a simple white tee with a silver chain hanging around his neck.

"Couldn't see much of it the other day." He continued, making Jungkook almost cover his face in embarrassment.

"Who were those guys anyway?" He asked, wanting to shift the center of attention momentarily.

"Some police officers disguised as commoners cause they were bold enough to think they'll catch me." Kim said nonchalantly, as if it were as casual as having breakfast.

Jungkook's jaw dropped at that. Did he hear that right? Did he just save a criminal from being caught by the cops? AGAIN?

"I really can't believe this! Do you not have someone else to help you? Why me every time?" He asked, completely flabbergasted by the whole situation. He did not want to be labled as the accomplice of some kind of criminal without having to do anything with him.

"It's called fate, darling." The elder replied with a sly smile as he walked over to the car and without another word or action, sat on the driver's seat.

Jungkook was baffled. Never in his life had he encountered such a person. Was he not even considering the fact that Jungkook was a random person on a trip by himself that he wanted to enjoy? And what's with the darling? Apparently, he didn't care.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim? That is my car, I think?" He quickly opened the door to the passenger seat next to him, afraid that his car, the only object of significance he had will be stolen by this dimwit.

"Woah! Mr. Kim? What happened to the scared kid who called me hyung?" He mocked, shaking up Jungkook's entire existence. No one but Jungkook knew how embarrassed he was as he quietly sat down next to him in the car.

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