ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 9_ʀᴏᴍᴇᴏ & ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ

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"Missed me?" There he was. With a little smirk that seemed to be plastered permanently on his charming criminal face.

"Hell yes. A day without any problems was too hard to bear apparently." Jungkook voiced out with a sarcastic scoff, glaring at the face before him.

Taehyung was convinced that the younger was not too happy to see him. He was prepared for that though. His lips suddenly formed an affiliative smile, hand reaching to the window's glass pane and eventually gripping onto the curtain, holding himself in place while he still hung in the air with no such problem whatsoever.

He leaned closer towards the younger, still maintaining a healthy distance. Staring.

"Oh Juliet. Cause of thy despair?"

Jungkook's head turned towards the elder at this, finally having all his attention. He noticed how he was now leaning in as he stared at him with a stare carrying a lot of depth and showing love as it seemed to him.

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow at that, finally realizing what the elder was up to. Peeking through his window, almost hovering into the inside surroundings, Taehyung's brain thought of the most natural thing possible. To become Romeo.

"Are we really doing this right now?" The Juliet asked, arms crossed and a glance of revulsion thrown at the in-character infatuated elder.

"I mean, why not? It fits so well. The moonlight is glimmering, this place is really pretty, I'm hanging off your window in this pleasant weather, wanting to meet you and...

you're staring at me."

Jungkook blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Before regaining his usual self and looking away in absolute embarrassment almost swallowing him as a whole. Heat filled up his cheeks when he registered the words that left the elder's mouth. He looked away reluctantly.

"Give me your hand." Taehyung asked after letting the younger have a moment of his little existence crisis.

"You're not my Romeo. No way in hell is that happening." Jungkook gave him a wary look, completely unimpressed.

"I literally just asked to get in." He huffed as a reply.
"Okay then, come closer." He ordered again, waiting for the younger's response.

"Why do all your demands sound like you're still putting up with the whole Romeo-Juliet thing?" He let out, feeling exasperated, shortening the distance nevertheless.

Just as he did so, Taehyung let his hands travel up the younger's somewhat exposed shoulder blades and with his swift movement, he pulled more than half of his body inside the dimly lit room, pulling the bewildered younger unbelievably close in the process.

"Maybe because I am."

Jungkook froze on the spot; he couldn't move, talk or even breathe for that matter. Taehyung's arm that lied on his shoulder for support also pulled the two closer. Too close. He was sure his restless breathing was prominent. The rise in his heartbeat? He could feel it. In that full moon night, Taehyung's face shone brighter than ever.

And in that very moment, Jungkook felt something.

Something overwhelming, almost taking over his soul, captivating all his senses into the tempting beauty of evil. Something he had never felt or thought of before. As he stared longer, his strong will and pride only defied him further. Taehyung's cold hands holding him were nerve-chilling, electrifying almost as they made contact with his little exposed skin. He was slowly losing his sanity. Yeah, definitely.

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