ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 22_ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱy

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Yes this is the chapter I updated accidentally in the midst of writing lmao


Jungkook was conflicted. He was so mad at the fact that he literally lost his only chance to meet Taehyung. Apparently he had to be in a very urgent meeting so he left off.


It was the evening of the next day, meaning that he had to go to the party Hoseok had invited him to. It was obviously not going to be very formal, considering how his CEO is. He is actually one of his friends and a great person to be around so if he was throwing a party, it was genuinely going to be fun and informal.

He was not really in a good mood lately but wanted to be excited at least today, just for the sake of it. He looked at himself in the mirror, a pair of black leather pants covering his legs and a loose white shirt hugging his form. As always. It was casual but he didn't mind it. There wasn't something too special about his look apart from the fact that he finally made full use of the number of ear piercings he had.

He frowned. His reflection in the mirror bothering him. Too late to be insecure and shit but gosh, he could've totally worn something better. He looked too basic. And his arms? All that exercise for what? He was losing the bulkiness. His abs too weren't prominent anymore.

His eyes landed on his thighs and a memory from a few days ago instantly flashed in his head. Taehyung's slender finger...smoothly tracing his skin in the most gentle and soothing manner...calming him down and making him want to yearn for more- he quickly shook his head and taking the car keys ran out of the house before his mind could fantasize anymore.

All through the car ride, he thought about how he couldn't figure if he liked how he appeared.

This little feeling had always stayed in the back of his mind since forever. However, ever since he got together with Taehyung and observed how perfect the elder was in the way he looked and whatever he did, his own self was starting to gradually trouble his mind into believing that he should work harder.

It's not that he thought he was bad looking. Jungkook knew he was handsome but it totally wasn't enough assurance cause apparently he thought he knew better. He was used to being insecure since the very beginning and even if he looked hotter than half of the world right now, he still felt insecure.

No good reason. Everyone has their fears and insecurities, right? Nothing too bad about it. It's very normal.

He soon reached and got out of the car. He was still surprised that this party was at a bar but of course, it's Hoseok. He has to expect something extra from him.

He walked in, the flashing lights and the unusual ambience hitting his sight. In all honesty, it was beautiful. Apart from the smell of alcohol throughout the air, he always found these places beautiful. Some people celebrating, some people upset, all sorts of people in their own little world. Gorgeous.

The light setting was purple and red the moment he walked past a dancing crowd, spotting his colleagues in another setting at a corner. With all those couches, it looked like a living room just a little less friendly with numerous bottles of alcohol around.

"Hey hyung!" Hoseok pulled him into a hug the moment he heard Jungkook's voice with his infamous bright smile and ruffled his hair.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry." He smiled awkwardly, taking his seat right after. He looked around and greeted the others, most of them too busy amongst themselves. Jungkook couldn't remember seeing any of them this happy in a while and it brought an unknowing smile to his face before it turned into a frown yet again.

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