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Taehyung didn't know why he was surprised. He should've expected this to happen. They couldn't let go Jungkook easily without a mere shred of damage. They had to do something to indirectly tell Taehyung it was them.

He noticed how Jungkook's face showed hints of nervousness. The unusual and excessive sweating told him he was obviously terrified of the situation.

"Hey, look here." Taehyung said, in a calm and gentle tone. Jungkook's gaze flickered to him in an instant, as if waiting for some kind of assurance.

"Can you see well?"


"Can you balance yourself?"


"Does everything look out of place to you?"


"Are you seeing things?"


A frustrated sigh left Taehyung's mouth after obtaining the desired information from the younger. Another one of those shitty hallucinogens. He knew they would come finding Jungkook and he'd be in some sort of danger but he didn't expect them to drug him.

"I'm taking you to my place, don't worry." He said hastily, leaving Jungkook's side and walking to the front. However, a small delicate hand caught his wrist, pulling him back.

Jungkook simply stared at the elder in his defenseless state, eyes forming a pool of subconscious tears. A shaky breath left his lips as he forced himself to speak.

"Am I...okay?"

Taehyung's gaze softened in an instant at the sight of a troubled and terrified Jungkook. He rushed back to him and cupped his cheeks, forcing both of their attention towards each other. His instincts decided for themselves when he found his thumb slightly caressing the younger's cheeks in an attempt to stop the tears.

"Shh don't worry. You're okay. It's because they've drugged you with a hallucinogen. You'll see random things for a while and eventually fall asleep. It's alright, you're okay." He whispered, reassuringly. A set of relieved tears and an aggressive nod was all he received from the younger before he brought up the pace and drove off.


Taehyung didn't know that walking the younger to the door would be a tough task. Even though he made sure to not leave Jungkook's hand, the younger's paranoid self had itself glued to Taehyung's arm as they walked.

Jungkook by now could hardly stand still, let alone walk. He felt as if he'd collapse any moment. During the entire journey he kept his eyes closed, holding the elder as close as possible. Once they reached and he tried adjusting his vision, he could only see much.

It looked to him like a lone giant tree of some sort at first. After trying to widen his eyes he found a miniature sized house next to it. He instantly clung to Taehyung, not knowing why everything was suddenly either too big or too small.

He was walking inside the house trying his very best to tell apart one thing from another but all he could see were huge walls and small furniture which totally didn't make sense.

In the midst of this chaos, his gaze landed on a painting that hung on the wall towards an extreme corner. A bright, colourful abstract piece of art. The colours were extravagant. A bit too much for his blurry vision that caught a great amount of red.

Within seconds, all he could see was red. Which he would also refer to as blood.

Jungkook's breathing quickened. With a hasty step backwards, he stumbled on Taehyung's foot. He gasped at the sudden contact, his heartbeat obviously not in control anymore.

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