ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 23_ɴᴀᴋᴇᴅ

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Within a second with the fastest speed he could muster, Jungkook spun round, facing the elder's actual figure instead of the sudden reflection in the mirror. The tears in his eyes shed off from the impact as he stared into the surprised eyes of his boyfriend.

Taehyung steadily walked over to the younger, observing him fully. His eyes were widened in worry as he looked at the already tensed Jungkook.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked softly, cupping the younger's cheeks in a warm hold.

The moment Jungkook's slightly teary face came into contact with Taehyung's hands, he turned more sensitive of everything. He couldn't believe Taehyung saw that. No, no, no. How would he even explain himself? It was so fucking stupid and why was he crying again?

"Kookie baby.." Taehyung whispered, wiping away the fresh set of tears now rushing down his pretty face. Jungkook didn't even realise when it was that he started crying again. He was impossible.

"What's going on? Please tell me." Taehyung pleaded, his tone seemingly softer than before.

"I don't know if I should tell." Jungkook whispered back truthfully, caught up in his own maze of thoughts he totally didn't ask to be sucked into.

Taehyung pulled the younger's face closer and placed a small, reassuring peck on his forehead. He ran a hand through his hair, brushing them back ever so slightly and cupped his cheeks again.

"If you don't share your worries, they'll only grow more. Tell me, baby. I'm here to listen. Don't hold on to it."

Jungkook's heartbeat fastened with the sudden confusion about whether he wanted to tell it to him or not. To be very honest, he wanted to. He was tired of hating himself in his own little bubble without anyone knowing. But on the other hand, this was so embarrassing. How does he even say it?

'Hey, nothing much I just hate myself.' How the fuck did it even make any sense?

"Actually..I.." He couldn't bring himself to look up into the elder's eyes as he spoke further,
"I don't know how this will sound to you but I'm not very fond of how I look. Now I'm not dumb, I know I look pretty decent. But...it's weird. Somehow, I end up hating how I look. I don't know what this is but I'm just mad at myself for it. I hate that I don't like myself enough but then again I'm hating myself, right?" He blabbered and blabbered, not knowing if it made any sense or not.

Taehyung simply stood there, listening to the younger soulfully, knowing very well that he couldn't explain himself effectively. In the corner of his head, he thought of what happened at the bar. It couldn't possibly be because of that guy, right?

"Hey, don't tell me it's because you saw me with that guy. Come on, he was just another dumb fuck who wanted nothing but money and dick. I was just a bait to distract him while the police takes over his base. Chill, it's alright."

"No, it's not like that. See, I totally understand all of this. It kind of triggered my thinking but that's not the only reason." He took a deep sigh and continued.

"As a middle schooler, I wasn't like this. I was fat. It wasn't a good sight, and it got me bullying quite a lot. Then before I entered high school, I wanted to bring in a change and stopped having food and did all that shit. I turned skinny as hell and got bullied for that." He paused, taking in a deep breath.

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