"It's been a nickname for years, not just for Levi but Hange, Cee and Zion too." I explain, slightly annoyed. Footsteps sounded from the side and I sigh. "Speaking of..."

"Sunshine!" I hear Zion screech, making me give Eld and Petra a told-you-so look before turning to face the two boys sprinting full throttle towards me.

"Slow down." I demand dropping my weight onto one leg with my hands on my hips. They tried coming to an immediate halt, only to trip over nothing and tumble onto the ground just before me. I pinch the bridge of my nose before walking to an empty spot on the yard.

"Zion, Cee. You're helping me with these guys." I declare stopping abruptly, a small cloud of dust gathering at the sudden stop.

"Actually-" Zion begins. "-I think Hange nee-"

"Don't try that shit, she's experimenting on Eren with Levi. You're helping me here." I order, my cold stare boring straight through them. They groaned loudly like children being told what to do. Ignoring them, I turn to the squad. "I'm assuming you all know Zion and Reece? There will be a small change in plans now we have an additional two people. Oluo and Zion will be sparring, Petra and Reece too. Gunther and Eld, you'll be fighting each other while I assess your fighting capabilities."

"Will we still be fighting you?" Gunther asks.

"You will be, I just want to see how you all fight before I get into it. We might not be able to get through everyone because the Captain wants us to meet with him on the plains." I inform. "Get into your stances with your partners, then spar. I will come around to observe."

They all quickly got into their stances, Zion being the first to initiate the fight. He launched at Oluo, resulting in him scoffing as he dodged the fist hurdling straight for his face. I stand and watch them, absorbing each and every detail on how they approach different fighting situations.

Zion's fighting style hadn't changed much over the years, the way he moved was still incredibly similar to how he fought six years ago, though, his movements are much more thought out and precise.

"Tch, I wasn't even ready." Oluo spits in disgust. I raise an eyebrow at his choice of words and how he said them, smiling awkwardly to myself as I realized he is trying to imitate Levi.

Oh dear.

Watching as Oluo shook his limbs a little, he hurdled himself forward striking Zion in the chest, causing him to lose his breath a little. A small cough escaped Z's throat before quickly regaining himself and leaping out of the way of another incoming punch. Oluo's cockiness was definitely going to be consequential. They kept at it, my feet leading me away to watch the match between Reece and Petra.

The way Petra fought was sly, she used her size to her advantage and was incredibly agile. Though, Reece seemed to read most of her intended attacks and dodged them with ease. The way she moved was almost as though she were dancing, but her attacks were stupidly aggressive. Leaving them be, I moved to Gunther and Eld.

Despite them living on mocking me, they take their training very seriously and I highly doubt Levi doesn't have anything to do with their intake of their military doings.

They were fast. Very analytical, you can see in their eyes how they're going to approach their next move, which makes it all the more difficult to hit their opponent. I study their movements, both of them barely making any progress towards the end of the match. I heard a faint scoff come from Oluo as he looked down at Zion who laid on the ground, a light chuckle coming from his lips.

𝔇𝔢𝔣𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 (𝔏𝔢𝔳𝔦 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now