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"Do you always do stuff like this?" I ask Karter.

"Stuff like what?"

"Just go up to random strangers and set up a fight date."

"That wasn't any random stranger, stupid girl. That was our target and his uncle."

"Getting them on your bad side doesn't seem like the brightest idea."

"Don't tell me what's bright or not."

I see his hand reach up to the volume nob on the radio and a fraction of a second later the car is blasting with 70's music.

Newton leans over and whispers."Mr. Reagan and Mr. Endrezzi have an ugly history."

"How ugly?" I whisper back.

"Mr. Reagan may or may not have killed Endrezzi's only son. And in return Endrezzi may or may not have sent a murder squad against Mr. Reagan's wife."

"Why are you saying 'may or may not have'?"

"It's only a rumor as to why the two are rivaling."

"Is it from a truthful source?"

"No one is allowed to talk about it publicly. Mr. Reagan's father made sure of that."

"What happens if they do?"

"Enough whispering," Karter's voice rises above the music."Anything the both of you discuss can be discussed out loud."

"I was only telling Ms. Wright about the wonderful places there are in Venice to visit, sir."

"And here I was told you had passed your 'Lying 101' class."

We come up to gate, guarded by four guards, two on each side.

Karter rolls down his window."Open," is all he says.

The guards get straight to work, unlocking giant locks then sliding the giant metal gate open.

As the car moves forward, I roll down my own window and gaze at the looming building up ahead.

"Is this a palace?" I say in amazement.

It's lights illuminate the whole place up in a dazzling and spectacular way.

"Somewhat. It is the Reagan Hotel."

I roll my eyes. Of course he's got a multi-million dollar business.

Karter opens his door and the lights come on overhead.

I squint, shielding my eyes with my hand.

"Out," Karter says.

"The hotel is just a front," Newton says as he opens his own door.

"What's behind it?"

Newton takes a quick glance Karter's way then whispers. "Absolute horror."

I slide out from my seat out Newton's door and stand beside him waiting to see what I am to do.

Maybe I should be scared.

But this sounds exciting.

I chuckle."Horror, huh? Bring it on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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