Chapter Twenty

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Jungkook sat down in the chair Jenna had been previously occupying.

"Talk to me, Hyung," he said softly.

"My legs are so important to my job. Now I've screwed one of them up, and it wasn't by doing something honorable or noble either." Taehyung stared at his bum knee. "What if I can't get it back to where it was before? What if I've messed things up for all of us? What if one of the things we are most known for is no longer a possibility, all because of some stupid soccer game? What if Jenna gets sick of waiting for me? What-"

"Hyung, stop it. All I hear are a bunch of 'what ifs.' You can't live your life like that. If you keep working hard, your knee will get better. It may not ever be like it was before; nothing broken ever is. But I can tell you this, you're a fighter, and you're not a quitter. It's the kind of spirit that got you into this business, right? And if we have to modify dances a little bit, so what? I'm sure Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung would be grateful to you. And as for Jenna, hyung, if you're still doubting her loyalty to you, are you really ready to marry her? Seriously. If she has such a fine specimen me in front of her and turns me down for someone like you, she's definitely loyal till the end." Jungkook laughed softly and looked up at his friend.

Tears had continued to run down Taehyung's face. He had been dealing with all of this on his own, unable to put it into words to anyone till now. He didn't want to burden his members or worry Jenna. This issue had been preying on his mind day and night. Now all of his feelings and worries had been voiced, and their weight was eased a little. However, every time he looked at his knee, he was reminded of it again.

"I know I sound like a big baby, but seriously, Kookie, it hurts- a lot." Taehyung's voice came out in a whisper, and Jungkook had to lean closer to hear him.

"Ah, the pain? Hyung, I'm sure you can take something mild before therapy to help ease the pain while you work with your knee. Ask the therapist, okay? Don't let the pain become your prison. You're better than this. How many times did we limp back to the dorm only to get back up the next day and do those horrible routines all over again? You never complained. You're a strong guy!"

"I'm glad you're home," Taehyung said to his young friend.

"I am too. I stopped by the office before I came here. The CEO told me no new albums or comebacks until you and Namjoon get back from your honeymoons. We have to get you better so we can get past these weddings and get back to work. Our fans have waited a long time."
Jungkook finished with a smile.

"I know. Jenna has waited long enough." Taehyung hung his head and wiped away the last traces of his tears.

"Yeah, she has. So, get back to work and put this mess behind you." Jungkook stood from his spot and patted Taehyung's shoulder firmly. "I think I better get going."

"Thanks a lot for coming." Taehyung fist-bumped his young friend. Then his eyes popped open wide. "Hey, can you do me a big favor?"

* * *

Jenna staggered to the door of her apartment. It was mid-morning, but she had been helping Taehyung out until late the night before. The pain had taken a spike from all the extra work he had been doing on his knee. And since misery loves company, he begged her to stay until he fell asleep. She had complied, but her own sleep had suffered because of it. Thankfully, the company had given her a few weeks off to help Taehyung through the worst of the post-surgery troubles.

She yawned, and gripping her robe tighter around her, she reached the front door. She didn't bother to look at the camera. Instead opening the door slowly, she saw a handsome, well-groomed Jungkook leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets.

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