Chapter Nineteen

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Taehyung and Jenna sat on the couch in the dorm, waiting for everyone to return. Namjoon was being discharged today, and everyone went to meet him and welcome him back.

Taehyung and Jenna chose to wait at home since Taehyung's knee was still causing him quite a bit of pain.
Jenna snuggled up close to him and just enjoyed his presence.

"You know, I missed you a lot while I was gone. I kept thinking of all these awesome things I wanted to do for you. But, unfortunately, I can't remember any of them," Taehyung said.

"Babe, you do awesome things for me all the time," Jenna said.

Taehyung smiled to himself. That was something he loved about Jenna. She didn't need big, extravagant gifts or events to make her happy. Instead, he could give her a single flower, and she would be ecstatic.

He felt terrible that they would have to delay their wedding for several weeks now. Jenna said she didn't want a groom on crutches, and he just wanted to be able to enjoy the honeymoon. His mind began to wander before the front door opened, bringing his thought train to a screeching halt. He frowned. Namjoon had perfect timing.

Jenna jumped up from the couch and turned around to help pull Taehyung up. He adjusted his crutches, and they waited for the group to come into the living room.

Namjoon came in with his arm around Sara's shoulders, and Jin and Yoongi followed behind.

"Welcome home, leader," Taehyung said with a full grin.

"Welcome back, Namjoon," Jenna said, smiling and moving to give him a quick hug.

"Thanks, everyone. It's good to be home. As soon as the rest of us return, the real work can begin!"

"Not before we eat!" Jin held up boxes of chicken, and the girls made quick work of getting everyone's plates and drinks.

"Oh sure, I heard you made Taehyung food, but all I get is take-out chicken," Namjoon said with mock hurt. "I see where I rate on your list of favorites," he then grumbled.

Jin smacked his shoulder. "Yah, Namjoonie, I had things to do today, so I couldn't properly prepare a full meal. Plus, our Tae Tae was laid up in a hospital. So he needed proper food to help him heal."

"Still, you could have at least taken me to a restaurant," Namjoon teased.

Jin glared at him. "Listen here..."

"Okay! I surrender." Namjoon hid behind Sara, making everyone laugh.

Everyone sat down in the living room, and the chatter began, jokes were told, military stories were shared, and Yoongi napped. The common thread in every conversation was that no one could wait till J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook could make their return. Then the true seven would be together once again, and the next chapter of BTS could officially begin.

But first, two critical events had to be added to the calendar—two very important weddings.

* * *

Taehyung bit his bottom lip as he struggled to bend his leg all the way out. His face was locked in an expression of complete focus.

"Hold it...hold it...good job. Relax."

Taehyung fell back against the wall behind the table he was seated on. He had been in therapy for a week now, and he was beginning to think he would never be back at one hundred percent. His therapist had assured him it would just take time. But Taehyung was never a very patient person.

"Okay, let's try again. I want you to bend your knee up, pulling your foot back towards you this time."

Taehyung stared bug-eyed at the tall man who was his designated physical therapist. "You've got to be kidding, right?"

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