Chapter Ten

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Namjoon had no choice but to inform his company of what was going on in his life. Having had a practice run on Taehyung and Jenna and failing, BigHit had learned a few lessons and become better at handling these sorts of things.

An official announcement was put on the fan cafe, congratulating the couple and asking for the fans' understanding. After a few days of uproar, the fans finally calmed down, as expected. ARMY's would never abandon their leader so quickly.

Sara watched all the chaos from across the globe. Thankfully, her SNS accounts hadn't been revealed, and she was still relatively anonymous. The press release had only said that Kim Namjoon had been dating a woman for around four to five years. Recently the couple had decided to marry and wanted to share the happy news with the fans.

Sara laughed at their use of the word "dating." She guessed three-quarters of the world was dating if you can call video chats and text messages dating.

She and Namjoon had had lengthy discussions about when it would be best to come, and they decided after Sara finished her teaching contract, this year would be an okay time. The wedding could wait. They talked about popularity and fame, never having a private moment again, their whole lives exposed to the people who made it possible for them to live, military service, all of it.

Sara discovered a long time ago that Namjoon was a deep thinker, and even before they had met, he had thought about how his career choice would affect his future wife. He had already thought through a lot of their relationship before it ever became a legitimate thing. Not revealing it to anyone till it was definite and serious was part of his plan.

The only thing that hadn't fit into his plan was falling in love so soon. He had planned on meeting someone after his military service was completed and his life was a bit more stable and secure.

Sara coming into the picture this soon had thrown a small wrench into things. However, she was pretty understanding and patient, the effect of having a four-year long-distance relationship.

An official photo was released of the couple a few days after the press release due to fans wanting to see the girl who had won Namjoon's heart. Another few days of uproar, specifically about another BTS member getting involved with a foreigner, and the fandom came back together and calmed down again.

The minute the photo was released, Sara felt like her face had been plastered on a million billboards. She felt like everyone was staring at her and knew who she was when in reality, most people in America never paid any attention or even cared. So she came to appreciate the freedom to move around and do what she wanted, knowing soon enough, the time would come she would have to be careful every time she even thought of leaving her new home.

It was decided that she would move in with Jenna again until further notice. At least that way, the girls would watch out for each other, which made Taehyung and Namjoon feel better. The fans loved Jenna, and perhaps with her show of approval, Sara would benefit from that love a little.

"I can't believe you're moving in with me again," Jenna giggled. Sara was lying on her bed with her tablet resting against her raised and folded knees. Chats with her best friend were the highlights of her days.

"I know! I can't either. I'm sorry if I infringe on any of your time with Taehyung."

"Don't worry about that. We'll make it work!"

Sara loved her friend for her positivity. However, she would make sure to be sensitive to Jenna and stay out of the way as much as possible.

"When are you coming anyway?"

"As soon as the school year is done and I have everything wrapped up."

"How are your parents dealing with it? Do they approve?"

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