𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴

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Here's some Karma Akabane Boyfriend Headcanons because I got bored. These are all things that I'd think he'd do as a boyfriend personally so if you don't agree with them then that's completely fine :)

- Would teach you how to play games on his consoles if you don't know how to already and make fun of your lack of skills. If you already know how to play he'd definitely have you play multiplayer games to troll the fuck out of you for funsies.

"You're ass at this."

"Thanks, I just started playing five fucking seconds ago."

- He would probably get you into comics and other series he likes just so he can have more things to talk to you about. (Of course if he does this, he's obviously obligated to read or watch some of the things you like).

- Will ask you some of the stupidest philosophical questions to make you question your own life choices or go on a rant trying to answer his question.

- Has no problem with making immature jokes like wiping his hands on you after washing them and then saying it was pee.

- I bet this mf has LED lights in his room. (Turns the lights to red and giggles when you call them the "sex lights".)

- Likes to steal your food but gets annoyed when you take his.

"Seriously? Order your own fries."

"Bitch, you literally ate half of my burger."

- Probably has a creepy ass doll that he likes to move around to fuck with you.

"Wasn't that on your kitchen shelves the last time I was over? Why is it in your room?"

"It likes to do that sometimes."

"That's not funny."

- Expect wrestling and manhandling from him, he gets in a silly goofy mood sometimes.

- Changes your contact names into some of the dumbest shit or switches names to mess with you.

- Has a ton of videos and pictures of you doing some of the most random things like eating cereal or coughing.

- Will sit on you if you're in his designated spot and crush you until you move voluntarily. (Doesn't matter where.)

- Once did the "there's something on your shirt" bs and then flicked your nose and never let you live it down.

- Will try and gaslight you into believing some of the stupidest things because he thinks it's funny and then laughs his ass off when you believe it for months straight.

Here's some more wholesome Headcanons, the others were kind of crack:

- Likes to outwardly stare at you while you're talking or doing something that he finds cute. (Probably does that thing where he places his chin in his hand and stares intently like an absolute fool in love.)

- Let's you fidget with his fingers when you're bored and glances at the difference in size and how your hand looks nice in his.

- Sends you song recommendations of songs that remind him of you.

- Gets sleepy and more affectionate when you run your hands through his hair.

- Likes to flirt with you to watch you get embarrassed, but if you do the same he gets caught off guard and flustered just as much.

- Lowkey, I feel like he likes Eskimo kisses and laughs every time you do them while he scrunches up his nose.

- Traces letters into your skin with his fingers while you're cuddling to spell things out like "I love you" or your name.

- Sometimes squishes your cheeks so your lips pucker out and gives you a kiss while commenting on how silly you look.

- Shares one earbud with you while listening to music and has a whole playlist he made for you.

- If he happens to wake up before you in the morning he likes to trace your facial features with his eyes and admire you.

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