25 Final

885 31 1

- 9 month time skip

"Hey babe" Jungkook said as he walked up to me. He got me a birth ball thingy, the doctors said to get one and rock on it so that it will help bring the the labor. So that's what I was doing, just rolling my butt on it. "Having fun?" he asked. I smiled "yea, wanna try bouncing on it?" I asked. He shook his head with a smile on his face, before sitting down in front of me and the big ball.

He leaned closer to me and lifted my shirt up and rested my shirt on the top of my belly bump. "They're gonna be here soon" he said while he rubbed his hands around my tummy. "Are you excited to see them?" I asked. He quickly nodded his head. "Do you want me to be in the delivery room with you when you give birth?" he asked. I nodded "of course" I said "but there might be some blood" I said as I placed my hand over his that were still on my tummy.

"That's fine, I can control myself, especially when you're in pain plus our babies will be born, the last thing I'm worried about is blood" he said. I smiled down at him "I love you" I said. "I love you more" he said as he held one of my hands and kissed it, before caressing the back of my hand with his thumb. "Oh I forgot" he said and picked up a water that was next to him "I brought this for you" he said and handed it to me.

"Thank you" I said and smiled as I opened it and took a drink. "I also packed the diaper bag so that it's ready when ever you start getting the contractions" he said. I've been having contractions, but they haven't came back in a while so I'm not worried about it. I nodded "what all did you pack?" I asked. "I packed some baby blankets, some diapers, I packed you a nursing pillow, some clothes for you and the babies to wear home, burp clothes, I packed bottles.. even though they can use your boobs, but your boobs are sore so I thought the bottles will help, I thought about picking blood but I'm not sure if we could do that.. and I think that's all unless you want me to pack more" he said.

I smiled "Thank you, if we think of something we'll pack it" I said and he nodded. "Did you already pick where you're giving birth?" he asked. "The doctor said that there is this big tub thing, its almost like a pool that's in the ground, but its inside.." I said, he nodded "the water birth" he said. I nodded "I think I'll do that one" I said. Water birth doesn't harm the baby, I just sit in the water and give birth, and they bring the baby up out of the water. "If I have to give birth twice I might as well be comfortable" I said. He nodded "and I'll be with you every step of the way" he said with a found smile on his face. I smiled back "thank you koo".

I invited Koos eomma over just to talk and catch up when I got a contraction, and it hurt like a bitch. Jungkook was out side with his appa, they were putting car seats in his car. "Do you need me to get Jungkook?" Mrs. Jeon asked as she held my hand. I shook my head going through the pain. "Your contractions are getting closer Y/n, I think your about to go through labor" she said.

I nodded as the contraction eased back down "but we can head to the hospital when ever you'd like, if we go now we might be there for a while" she said. I looked at her "wow, these contractions hurt" I said. She nodded in agreement. "We can leave when I feel like they're ready" I said, placing my hand on my tummy. "Okay, babe, car seats are in" Jungkook said as him and his appa walked back inside. "I just had the worse contraction" I said as he sat next to me. "Really? Has your water broke?" he asked I shook my head no.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" he asked. I shook my head "It's fine for now" I said. He nodded and rubbed my thigh for comfort. "Okay.. just let me know when your ready to go" he said. I started to stand up, Jungkook quickly stood up to help me up. "Thank you" I said with a smile and pecked his cheek. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded "the doctor said to walk around and move a lot before birth" I said. He nodded and let me walk around him "any one want some strawberries?" I asked "I do" Mr. Jeon said. I nodded and started walking to the kitchen "do you need help?" Jungkook asked while following me. "Koo I can do it" I said, going over to the fridge and opening it. "Actually can you get the strawberries for me? I can't bend over" I asked.

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