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The next day you woke up from your phone going going off. You checked the time and is was 8:35 A.M.. You looked at your phone and it was Jisoo calling. You quickly answered your phone. She told you that her mom was ok and that she just tripped down some stairs and she had broke her ankle. You told her that you were going to go and visit her and her mom in the hospital. You got off the phone and got up to take a shower, did your skin care, you put on a dress and put a pair of two inch heels. Then you made sure to text your grandparents a 'good morning'. You gathered your phone and got a cute hand bad and put your things in it.

You walked out of your room and when you walked into the living room and seen Jungkook in the kitchen making food. "Morning" he said. You smiled. Hes more talkative. "Good morning, I gotta go to the hospital for a while" you said walking into the kitchen. He looked up at you quickly and he looked you up and down "are you ok? You don't look injured" he asked. You shook your head "i'm gonna go see Jisoo's mom" I said. "Oh, is she ok?" he asked. "Its a broken ankle" I said. He nodded "not good". "Well uh I made breakfast if you wanna eat before you go" he said. I nodded "sure" I said and smiled before sitting at the table. He made some french toast with some strawberries.

He sat next to me and ate with me. "Could we actually die for me knowing about you" I asked. He shook his head "no I was just trying to scare you" he said with a smile. I glared at him "you're mean" I said with a pout "I know" he said. I took a bite of the food he made "this is good" I said as my eyes lit up at the taste. "Thank you, my mom taught me how to make it" he said and smiled.

After we were done eating I started gathering our plates. "No, no I can get it" he said stopping you from gathering them. "But you did it last night-" you began. "You have places to be so I can get it this time" he said. "O-ok" you said putting the plates back down. "I guess I'll see you later then?" I said. He nodded "I'll be here" he said with a smile. I smiled back before walking to the door and then leaving. I was going to walk but I thought I'd just catch a bus. I reached the bus stop and waited. While waiting another man walked up, i'm assuming also waiting for the bus. "Are you alone?" the stranger asked.

I looked at him and furrowed my eye brows "excuse me?" I asked. "Are you alone" he repeated while walking closer with a smirk on his face. "I-I" was all I could muster out. "Shes with me" I turned around and seen Jungkook. I looked in his hand and he was holding my hand bag. I forgot it, I guess that's a good thing. He grabbed my hand while glaring at the man, and started walking off, while taking me with him.

He handed me my hand bad. He still looked mad. We got to our dorm "do you need a ride? I can't let you go on that bus" he said. "U-uh sure" I stuttered out. He nodded and we started walking to his car "a-actually can you also go inside the hospital with me?" I asked, kinda shooken up. "Sure" he said. He sounded mad.

We got to his car and we got in. "I-if you have other plans you don't have to go in with me-" I said thinking he was irritated at me. "Y/n i'm not mad at you its just when I read his mind, he- he just wasn't a good guy" he said while backing out of the parking spot with one hand on the wheel.

I stayed quiet not knowing what to say or how to react. "Plus it would make me feel better if I went inside with you" he said. I nodded "T-thank you" I said looking down at my hands. "You're welcome" he said. I got my phone out and texted Jisoo that I was on my way. Soon we go to the hospital and we pulled up. We both got out at the same time

"I could have gotten your door for you" he said. I shook my head "you don't have to" I said and smiled at him. We walked inside and then we were told where to go. We walked to the room and I knocked on the door. Jisoo opened it and she smiled as soon as she saw me. "Hey" she said and gave me a hug. She noticed Jungkook standing behind me "hi" she said and gave him a smile. He did a slight bow in response. We went into the room and I seen her mom laying in the hospital bed.

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