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"Hold still" he whispered against my neck. "Just relax.." he whispered. You feel him place a kiss on your neck, followed by another kiss, then a lick. You close your eyes and relax in his arms. "Forgive me" he whispered before a piercing pain shot through your neck. Your eyes shot open as you winced in pain. His free arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer. The pain not leaving your now pierced neck. He let out a moan at the taste of your human blood. All he drinks is animal blood. He isn't used to the wonderful human blood.

"Where do you get all this blood from" I asked and sat in front of him "my parents, they hunt animals and I when I go see them every weekend they give me a week supply" he said and took a sip from his cup. You remember him saying when you found out about him.

You can hear the slurping sound of your blood and his suction. You hiss at the feeling. His grip on your waist tightens. He lets out another moan. Hes trying to fight him self and pull away from your alluring taste. Your blood is like an addicting drug. His addicting drug. Your hands  found their was to his shoulders as your hand gripped on to them. Finally, he pulls away. He licks up the leaking blood, fighting the urge to get more. His venom is already starting to spread. He backs away and looks at your half-closed eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked. You nodded a yes. "Sleep" he whispers, as he places you down on his bed. He covers you up. He walks into his bathroom and runs some water on his face to clean the blood off the corner of his lips.

Once he was done he walked over to his door, leaving it cracked as he lets you rest for the last time. He walks into the living room, his parents look at him. His eomma has a look of confusion. Kyong still asleep in appas arms. Jungkook opened his mouth "I- I changed her.. she wanted me to"  he said. His parents stare at him in shock. He looked up from the floor, at his parents who look like they've seen a carnival for the first time, mixed with seeing a ghost. "So- shes in the resting stage?" appa asks. Jungkook nods. 

His eomma stands up and walks over to him and embraces him "you made a good decision.. she'll be okay" his eomma reassured him. "How long will it take?" Jungkook asked. "Its different for everyone.. but no ones been asleep for more than twenty four hours" his appa answered. "I'm gonna call my hyungs" Jungkook said. His eomma pulled away from the hug. "I brought more blood.. so she'll have something to eat when she wakes up" his eomma said. Jungkook nodded and put his phone up to his ear, telling Jin to gather every one and come by quickly.

While Jungkook waited on his hyungs to arrive, he went back to his room to watch over your sleeping form. "I love you Kim Y/n. So fucking much." he whispers. Laying next to you, he wraps an arm around you. Its impossible to wake anyone up during their sleeping stage, they have to naturally wake up. Its kinda like a very, very sort comma. He watches as you breath. Your chest rising and sinking. Your cute snores. He looks at your wounded neck, already healing. Funny thing about vampire bites.. they magically heal within ten minutes. He looks back at your face.

Your cute nose, pretty eyelashes, you soft parted lips, the cute details your skin holds. The way your hair is naturally placed beautifully. He smiled to him self. He couldn't ever let you go. He loves you. So. Much. He sighs and smiles at the thought of having a family with you. Mentally growing old together, but not physically. You his and hes yours.. for eternity. He reaches and plays with a strand of your hair. Twirling it between his fingers. "So soft" he whispers. He smiles "you're mine" he whispers, "and I'm yours". He giggles to him self. He leans himself over and places a tender kiss full of love, onto your parted lips. He pulls away "I love you more" he whispers to you. "I'll be back, baby" he said before placing a kiss on your forehead.

I climbed out of his bed and walked out of his room, leaving the door cracked. He walked in to the living room "cake is out, cooling off" his eomma says. A know at the door catching every ones attention. Eomma goes and opens the door. Six boys start to pile in as they hug Mrs. Jeon, slowly making their way into the living room. Some sit, some stand. "Kookie, wheres Y/n?" Jimin asks. "Sleeping" Jungkook says. Jins brow furrows "really? At 8:30?" Jin says in dis belief. Jungkook nods, looking at all his hyungs. "Is she sick?" Yoongi asks. 

My Roommates A VampireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang