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Your p.o.v.

After Jungkook told every one the news they all looked shocked. Jimin quickly stood up "I told you!" he said with a smile on his face while pointing his index finger at Jungkook. "We're all uncles" Tae said while spreading his arms out with his boxy smile. "How far along are you?" Mr/ Jeon asked with a smile on his face. I shrugged my shoulders "we found out about the pregnancy yesterday, but we'll make an appointment to see" I said.

"Keep us updated" Mr. Jeon said. Jungkook smiled and his grip slightly tightened on my thigh as he gave me a big smile. We heard a little sniffle and I looked over and seen Yoongi tearing up. "Aww hyung, don't cry" Jungkook said as he took his hand off my thigh and leaned over and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, who was sitting next to him. "My baby is an appa" Yoongi said as he hugged Jungkook back.

I giggled as I took a bite of my food. "We are gonna spoil this baby" Mrs. Jeon said. "We should celebrate tonight" Mr. Jeon suggested. "We should" I said as my eyes lit up. "Y/nie is having a baby?" I heard Kyong ask. I looked over at him and nodded. "Where is it?" He asked as he started moving his head around trying to look for the baby. "Its in Y/n's belly" Jungkook said as he sat back in his chair and poked my tummy. "Why would you eat it" he asked and looked at me with a sad expression.

This caused every one to laugh at the innocents. "No, its- its forming in her tummy.. like every baby is in a tummy, that's how it starts growing" Jungkook said, as he placed his hand on my thigh again, just letting it rest there. "How did it get there?" Kyong asked. Jungkook quickly looked away from Kyong and cleared his throat "eomma?" Jungkook asked, not knowing how to answer the question. "No more questions Kyong, shes just pregnant" Mrs. Jeon said while trying to hold back her laugh.

After breakfast me and Mrs. Jeon went to the store to grab a vanilla cake with white frosting for our celebration that we were gonna have to night. "Would you like to get some ice cream to go along with it?" Mrs. Jeon asked me. "Sure, we should get mint chocolate chip, I know Jungkook likes that flavor" I said. "Its also Kyong's favorite" Mrs. Jeon said with a giggle. "They must have gotten it from their appa, cause he likes it too" she added. I laughed "that's cute" I said.

After we were done shopping for the cake and ice cream we went back to their house and we walked inside. "Hi baby" Jungkook said as he came up and hugged me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck "and hi to my gorgeous girl friend" he said and pecked my lips. I smiled "hello" I said. "I got your favorite ice cream" I said. His cute bunny smile appeared "really??" he asked excitedly as he pulled away from our hug and grabbed the tub of ice cream that I was holding. "I'll put it in the freezer" he said as he walked to the kitchen with it. Mrs. Jeon also went to the kitchen and put the cake up.

Soon every one gathered up into the kitchen and we cut the cake to celebrate the pregnancy. This family really made me feel like family, they make me really comfortable with every thing. I like how they treat me with respect. We all went to the dining room and sat down to eat.

"So I got you guys something that I thought ya'll could use, cause ya'll are starting a family.." Jungkooks appa started. Jungkook looked up at his appa with furrowed brows, "already?" Jungkook asked. Mr. Jeon nodded, "I thought you both could use it- well me and eomma thought ya'll could use it" Mr. Jeon said.

"Ya'll didn't have to do anything" I said. "Well we did" Mrs. Jeon said. "What is it?" Jungkook said. "Finish eating ya'll's cake and we'll all get in the car." Mrs. Jeon said. This confused me but I continued to eat my plate of cake. "Do you want some blood, my love? I getting me a cup" Jungkook asked. I nodded "sure" I said. He nodded before getting up. I took a bite of the ice cream and it was like I was in heaven. I never really liked this kind, but I got it cause I knew Jungkook love it. But this was different, I think I wanna marry ice cream. Jungkook came back and gave me my cup "here you go" he said as he sat back down next to me. "Thank you" I said and pecked his cheek. He smiled back at me "you're welcome, precious" he said.

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