~Chapter Eighteen~

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"Shit!" You swore and you leap to the other side as the little Imps fire their firearms off. "Shit, don't let him get away, after him you shitholes!" The other Imps obey and follow you behind as you sprint in the other way but one of the Imps who follow, catches up with you, you look behind and see two Imps holding a knife and the other is a pistol, the one who's holding the knife leap at you and take hold of your hair, knife in your neck before he could slash your throat wide open, you got the chance to break to its hold and killing the Imp with a knife he carries, you toss the body at the other Imp delaying them and you escape at there sights.  As you run and panted, you felt your phone vibrate, you took it in your pocket to see Julian call. "What's the problem, I'm in the middle of something, Julian, just call me later." And you end the call, you hide at the side boulder and many Imps pass by you, taking a peek, the surrounding is clear and you safe, for now, You remember the two Imps you talked to, you thought maybe they could help you and you looked for them, you went where you talked and maybe they were still there. But you see that they are gone and the cup container that Blitzo used to drink is left on the floor. 'Maybe I'll ask those who hung out here earlier, maybe they know where the two went.' You approach the one who is smoking on the side, he looks at you while taking his smoke. "What do you want?"

"Hey, Did you notice where the Imps I talked to earlier went here? "

"You mean the two you talked to? Yeah, I know, but before I tell you, there's a replacement. "

He grinned and took a pocket knife out of his pocket.

"The exchange is money, but if you refuse, I will not hesitate to kill you now."

Come on man, let's talk about this without any risk. "

"If I don't want to, what will you do fella?"

"I also won't hesitate to kill you, so speak up properly if you don't want to get lost in this shitty world."


Like a shadow, you are immediately behind the man and have a gun pointed at his head.

"H-Hey! What are you doing ?! Release that or I'll call my colleague to kill you!"

"Oh? But when you call for help you're dead right away, so you're hopeless, aren't you wondering where you're in right now?"

"Fuck... All right! I'll tell you, just point the gun in the other direction."

"You're easy to talk to, so where did they go?"

"Just follow that road, and you will see the horned building! Have mercy on me, I have a hungry son and wife!"

You click your tongue and you throw him, he crawls away and you hear him calling his companion. "Don't use your courage on others, they might do what I did!" And I went that way, I still didn't see a glimpse of the Horned building, This walk might take a while.

At Blitzo

"That man has something, good thing I took a picture of him." Said Blitzo while admiring something on his phone, suddenly, Moxxie appeared at the door. "Uh, sir-"

"Not now moxie, don't you see I'm in a fucking something!" Yell Blitzo, this makes moxie annoyed. "For your information, Sir, This is an important request to Stolas, and he needs you! "Said Moxxie." Well, tell him I'm busy and tell him that he can wait a day. "Said Blitzo." But sir-  He said he's horn-"


At Y/N

"I uh, is Blitzo here?" You asked the female hellhound furry who is watching something at the computer, she looks up to you bored. "Yeah? His inside, did you come here to hire us or what?"

Before Y/N could speak, Blitzo's door opened and he saw Blitzo and Moxxie come out.

"Your the worse moxie, I shouldn't have you be the employee of the month! you're being such a son of a bitch!"

"It's not my fault! If you're mad about it then you shouldn't take that book in the first place!"

"How dare you speak to me like that! I'm your fucking boss!"

"Then act like it!" 

As they argued with each other, a little Imp curvy woman appeared and tried to wean them.

"Calm down you two, it's no one's fault who took the book, and you blitz, need to go see stolas before he comes here." She said with a cowboy accent, the hellhound watch the scene with her fingers on the bridge of her nose, as for you, you just watch, you just don't care. As they stop arguing, Blitzo notices shock that you are here and you see a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Y/N?! I mean, nice seeing you here! So...what brings you here...?"

"Uh, can we talk in private?"

"Absolutely! Follow me!'

Blitzo's Office

"So you guys are assassins?" You asked.

"Yep! In the flesh! 

"We started when we lost money, and I met Prince Stolas, a horny bird who loves my cock. "

"Like a sex slave?"

"If that's what you want to think of? but set aside that, tell me your story to how you died and history."

"Well, I used to be a drug lord and hitman, I had a loved one who died at the hands of my enemy Fernando, in my anger I killed him, and when I got older, I had a partner who I considered a child, his name is Alan, I found him on the road, and I taught him how to hold a gun, he became good at stealing drugs, killing people, but what I worked for him he just wasted and killed he me, I can't believe he did that but I will take revenge and find out who was behind it." You could hear a sniffing sound and you look at Blitzo who is crying but not almost and he wipes it with a tissue.

"What a heartbroken storey(Sniff) so, who is your lover again?"


"Fuck her!"


"Ooops I said poor her! She doesn't deserve to die!"

I raise an eyebrow at him but don't bother to ask.

"Okay, I make my decision, I decided to help you." Said blitzo. "But! On one condition." He added. "You will also do what I tell you!" He said. "I'm fine with it." I said and we held hands. "it's great doing business with you!"

Hell's Hitman - Hazbin Hotel x Hitman Male reader (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن