~Chapter Fourteen~

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Me, Angel, Vaggie, Charlie and Nifty have already found a place to sit, inside the tent are children waiting for a clown -looking robot to appear.

Charlie: "I can't wait!"

Angel dust: "It's taking for hours, when will this clown emerges anyway?"

Vaggie: "It called patients, Angel, they are just preparing for the show."

Angel: "We've been waiting a whole fucking hour! I really need that toy!"

Vaggie/Y/N: "What toy?"

The one you saw earlier riding in the van also entered the tent, the tall owl had a sack of potatoes on his head while the female owl had a grumpy face. The owl was picked up by a relatively small demon and sat close to us. you also noticed that Vaggie was also looking at the two owls, she whispered 'Prince' but you're not sure if you heard right, suddenly, the most awaited of all emerges on stage.

When the song ended, everyone applauded but the louder applause was the tall owl, you notice two shark demons enter the tent, they look around and they stop you, you know you are their target, you have your gun ready in the pocket, you are waiting for them to attack and in the right time, they have reached for their guns and pointed them at you.


You pushed Charlie, Angel, Nifty and Vaggie to lie down, the bullet hit the little demon holding a knife and exploded his head, the relatively small Imp with a sniper was surprised, he would have shot the one holding the knife but was shot immediately, the other Imp demons shouted in fear and left the tent, all that was left was you and your colleagues at the Hotel and the Imp with a sniper..

Charlie: "W-What's going on?!

Vaggie: "My guess is right, this will happen when we hire Y/N! And now we die for no reason!"

Angel: "Shut the fuck up! You are still bearing fruit that we are in the midst of death!"

Nifty: "Protect me Y/N!"

Y/N: "Don't worry, I will get you guys out here."

You pull out two gold guns, you show them, before they shoot you you quickly full the trigger and hit them in the head.


You wondered if he was just commenting on your gun skills or if it had some other meaning.

you're still careful, even if you killed the two, there are others outside.

You pulled out a bottle spray, you turn to Charlie and with the others, they have a confuse face to why you have a small spray bottle, you spray it to them. They cough and glare to you.

Angel Dust: "The hell?! Why did you do that?"

Y/N: You will be invincible in the sight of others. (I dunno, Harry Potter reference?)

Nifty/Charlie: "Cool!"

Vaggie: "Where did you learn that?"

You look at the bottle in the palm of your hand and grip it.

Y/N: "A partner of mine, But that doesn't matter anymore, my focus is on the situation and your safety now."

You guys are about to move but angel suddenly hugs you, his fluff sticking at your faces.

Angel Dust: "Oh my hero! if you're not here how are we now?! we may be dead right now."

Vaggie gags at what she sees, while Charlie is jealous.

Y/N: "The hug is enough, I need to take you all to the hotel safely."

They nod, and with that, you and them left the tent, leaving the two dead bodies.

Blitzo: "Huh, they just leave the bodies, oh well, time to find stolas!"

Robot Fizz: "(Laughter) is that blitzo I sensor spot out there?! I guess the kitties are still running away from you huh? (Laughter)"

Blitzo: "The 'o' is silent now!"

Robot Fizz: "Awww just like your audience always was when you don't show your lazy jokes here (Laughter like a maniac)"

Blitzo: "Bitch I make more money killing people than you do being a cheap-ass  robo-rip-off 9f a overrated sell-out jester!"



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