~Chapter Seventeen~

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"Thanks for the ride man."

"Your welcome man,  and before you go, here."

The taxi cab gives you a card and he shut the door close.

"Call me if you need an escape route, I always roam this street."

"Thanks, Travis." You said as you hide the card in your pocket.

"Don't mention it, also, I always love chaos." He said as he laugh and drive away, you watch the car disappear from your sight and you turn around to see the Imp City.

"Now, where can I find you motherfucker..."

You walk a little further and roam the city, you ask some of the walking Imps and the result doesn't work out.

"Get lost man, no one living here with that name, it's too Mexican!"

Huh, racist.

That's the last one you ask some imps, others just ignore you and flip you off, you just ignore their calls and resume to further solicit.


You lift your foot and the imps tails release it with care in his hands soothing it

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You lift your foot and the imps tails release it with care in his hands soothing it.


Another Imp appeared while drinking something liquid, hands on his waist.

Another Imp appeared while drinking something liquid, hands on his waist

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"N-No, sir, someone just stomp on my tail by accident."

The other imp approach and lift its shade and gaze at you.

"Sorry about that, I didn't notice you there because you--"

"Small?" The one who was named moxie answered, with an annoyed face while he clean his tail.

"Right." You added.

"It's my first time seeing you here... Are you a new hatchling?" He said the other Imp.

"He means new." Moxie corrected.

"Don't correct me your ass, that's why I make loony the employee of the month and not you! the name Blitzo the 'o' is silent." He introduce himself and offered a handshake. "So what is a hatchling doing in this kind of place?" Blitz the 'o' is silent ask.

You're about to say it but stop, you don't want suspicion, they might be Fernando's minions.

"I was just getting familiar with the surrounding... You know, new and all." You said as you smile sheepishly.

"Oh I get it, I always encounter some likes you, and sometimes I accidentally kill them for no other reasons!"

"The truth, sir, that time is that you did it on purpose. It's not an accide--"

"Shut the hell off moxie!!"

"Uhh... I better go now, see you around."

You leave and went the other way, you can still hear them arguing in the distance suddenly stop, maybe they realize that you left. As you walk you bump into someone and this time it's not friendly.

"I guess you've  be the one boss been telling us goons, boys,  hold your fires!"

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