Diamond of the First Water

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-Daisy POV-

Today was the day for all the newest eligible girls and young ladies to present themselves before the Queen Lorelei, the Indigo Plateau was buzzing with activity as ambitious mothers and nervous daughters were getting the final details in place. None were quite so busy as the estate where the Waterflower sisters were staying as they helped their youngest sister, Misty. Daisy checked the clock again to make sure she was reading it right, then looked at her husband the Earl Tracey Sketchit, "Do you know where my cousin is?"

Tracey just scratched the back of his head and said, "No idea honestly Daisy." Immediately he regretted those words for she could tell he was lying. Instead of going off on Tracey she decided to accept his answer and put on a happy face despite her concerns of Misty running late to her own presentation. Somehow that scared Tracey more than if she did show off that trademark anger the Waterflower sisters displayed from time to time. Most famous or infamous for this anger depending on your certain point of view was Misty.

Coming down the steps of their temporary residence was Lily Waterflower and her husband Lord Stone, followed by Violet Waterflower, her husband was back home in the country outside Cerulean tending to their estate. Although the men were obliged to wear whatever they pleased, the women when attending this event were all required to wear either white or some slightly off-white dress. The color stitching accents could be other colors but it led to most of the ladies looking rather similar to one another. As both sisters made eye contact with their oldest sister they realized Misty still wasn't down yet and Violet immediately turned around and rushed back to see if she could see if Misty had run off or done something else incredibly stupid.

Daisy didn't mean to stress her sister's out with that look but she knew this was hopefully the last season any of them had to deal with searching for a husband. They were orphaned at a young age when their parents died, since sadly they were all girls the family estate didn't pass to them but onto their cousins the Oaks. It had been a rather unusual upbringing as Lord Samuel Oak was a kind man when they all came to live with him at his estate in Viridian. Misty was only five then but it hadn't been easy. Misty had always wished to do many things her cousin Gary was able to do just by being a man in this society. Samuel had been sure to make sure each of the Waterflower's dowries were funded for when they did come of age to marry. Though he was unusual for allowing each of the sisters to choose their men and not based in financial/property or other transactions, course the men were quite easy as each of the sisters when they came of age were often considered the "Diamond of the First Water" making them highly sought after. Sadly, not long after Lily married Lord Stone, Samuel took ill and died from a Beedrill stinging him. Gary took over as head of the family at that point, and though he was managing the financial side very well for them, Daisy often felt like he was missing the human side to things. It made her nervous for Misty because Samuel had been a mentor but not overbearing when she came of age and in fact encouraged her to trust her instincts as he put it. Her thoughts about Gary were interrupted when she saw Misty coming down the steps slowly but surely behind Violet, looking rather stunning. Daisy slightly teared up wishing her mother was here to see how beautiful her youngest sister had grown. Her dress had subtle gold accents stitched onto the mainly white dress. As the sisters loaded into the carriage pulled by Galarian Rapidash. Daisy approached Tracey who was mounting his own Rapidash to ride alongside Lord Stone, "Tell my cousin if he is to be respected as Lord Oak he must act as Lord Oak."

"I will be sure to tell him that my love, you just worry about getting Misty through her presentation."

-Misty POV-

Pulling into the palace square on the Plateau, Misty was looking about seeing what she hoped would be an uneventful day for her. She didn't mean to take so long getting ready, but it had been fraught with anticipation and though she felt she was now as beautiful if not more beautiful than her sisters the early teasing days of boys in Viridian still hung with her. Stepping out of the carriage she was ready to walk into the prep room with Daisy who had done the same for Violet and Lily when she noticed, "Gary glad for you to make it."

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