Itadori X Reader

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Itadori is from jujutsu Kaisen

Today I just feel like riding my bike in the city but we have a serious mission that requires a meeting today. I really hate being at jujutsu high the only reason I tolerate it is because of my crush.

I squeal with excitement just thinking about him. His name is itadori and he is pretty new here, I'm sort of new as well I came here 3 months before itadori showed up and once he showed up I've been imagining riding him ever since. Riding his face riding his dick, but I can never be alone with him because of Gojo. Since our lovely teacher can travel as he pleases it's hard to get any alone time.

I head to the meeting room and once I enter I see everyone is already here. Megumi,Gojo,Itadori and Nobara they all turn to look at me and shake their heads.

"You do know the meeting started 15 minutes ago right?" Says Gojo I pull out my seat and sit down.

"Yes that's why I rushed here, aren't you glad to see me...." I say with a straight expression. Gojo snaps and flings a book at my head. "Stop being a smart ass and start showing up on time we have important things to discuss, you should take this seriously the world is at stake you know"

"Can we please just get on with the meeting or are we done here..." I said sighing and rolling my eyes. The old man clears his throat.
"Today we will be discussing the massive surge of energy coming from 3 locations that seem to be consuming every cursed spirit in its path. This energy is gaining more and more strangth and will eventually become strong enough to destroy our city. Then eventually the world, we have to put a stop to this before it gets out of hand."

GoJo walks to the front of the room
"We will all be in 3 groups, I will go to the strongest location on my own. Megumi and Nobara will go to the spot across town and Y/N and Itadori you two will go to the country side. I will give everyone specific locations that I have already studied and got the coordinates on." We all nod and he picks up his phone and sends us all our locations.

"Tomorrow we will leave midday, we should arrive there at night so that we can work in peace without any civilians in the way"  we leave the meeting room and everyone goes their own way.

20 mins later

I'm walking in the gardens and it's getting pretty late it's 9:00pm and I'm so horny I could explode so I decided to walk around and wonder a bit. I come up on the fountain that is right down the path from my room and I see someone sitting on the bench infront of it.

"Hello..." I say the person turns around and my vagina flutters. She is talking and she likes what she sees, I think to myself.
"Oh hey Itadori...what are you doing out so late?" I say as I stand infront of him and he just looks at me with a smile.
"I could ask you the Same thing...why are you walking out here are you bored?" I nod and take a seat. "Yea that's one way of wording it" I say with a chuckle. He turns his head to look straight at the fountain and the light from the fountain outlines his features and his beautiful arms all veiny and smooth looking. I just look at him and while I'm looking at him he turns to look at me.

" there something wrong, what's with your expression?" He asks very confused and probably freaked out.
"I'm just thinking about how tonight could get more eventful for the both of us" I say and he turns to look back at the fountain.

"There is nothing to do we are locked on campus we can't leave." I shake my head and take my phone out of my pocket and place it on the bench.
"We can maybe get in the fountain if you don't want to then I will" I say standing and he grabs my hand to stop me.
"Don't do that, you will get into trouble." I laugh and smirk "I will only get in trouble if they catch me or if you snitch" he shakes his head and stands up. I look up at him and he takes his phone and sits it on the bench. We both take our shoes off.
"That's what I'm talking about now let's go" we walk towards the fountain and start splashing and laughing.

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