Itachi X Reader pt.1

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Itachi is from Naruto

"I'm ready to be back in the village Itachi" I shout as I lay on the ground. Itachi is sitting on the ground and leaning against a tree. "When are we not going to be fugitives of the leaf?" I ask him as I hear his book close that he was taking notes in. "I don't know, you would have to do something huge for the village to accept you again." He says sighing and standing up stretching. "What could we do to help them out in a large way?" He sighs once again and begins to walk towards the lake. "I don't know but I'm going to go bathe in the lake so don't follow me." I sigh and shout to him "okay be safe, you don't want your parts to get bit off by a snake." I chuckle and he disappears into the forest.

"What could I do to have the village accept me back?" I think out loud to myself. "I didn't do anything really except help Itachi escape Danzo" I sigh sitting up using my Byakugan I look towards the lake as I see Itachi bathing. I'm a member of the hyuga clan and Itachi is my best friend, I ended up helping him escape one night as he was being hunted down by the Anbu on Danzo's command. They had trapped him but since we had already planned for this to happen we I had to plot a quick escape route and made sure we both made it out. Itachi would handle battle while I plotted a clear course out of the village. We didn't kill any Anbu Itachi made them see things that were questionable and they fainted. I swear the leaf acts like the Anbu are all that good but they aren't.

I continue looking at Itachi as he begins walking out of the lake. I stop my Byakugan and lay back down on my back. I feel like taking a nap when I hear walking coming up from behind me. "Your back already?" I say but he doesn't say anything when all of a sudden I get hit and everything goes black.
__________________Itachi POV
I begin getting out of the lake when I sense the presence of 2 other people. I hurriedly get out of the lake drying my body and placing my clothes back on. I begin running and hiding my presence from the people who seem to be watching us.
Wait us-,
where is she..... I can sense her but she isn't where I left her. I close my eyes and spawn 2 shadow clones. They begin running in opposit directions towards the people I sense. As they make it closer I see a ninja in a special uniform. "Who are you?" I shout through my clone and the ninja just looks and disappears. My other clone caught up to the other person and I see her she is with him and she has bruises on her neck and face.
"Put her down!" I shout cursing after the ninja slowing him down with paper bombs i finally catch up. "Step any farther, and i will end you where you stand." I shout as I notice her wiggle "ahhh let me go as I hear her yell I quickly hear the ninja Yelp in pain as a kunai is brought out of his leg and into his back.
"You bitch..." he shouts as he throws her onto the ground. I charge at him and begin giving him the works.

____________ your POV

I see Itachi jump on the guy that was holding me. I touch my cheek and my neck and they are sore with a bit of blood coming out of me. He must of just allowed my body to get hit on every branch without a care. Misuse of a body smh. I pull out three smoke bombs.
"Itachi!!!!!" I shout he looks at me and I throw the bombs. I turn to run away when I see Itachi behind me. "You must have used clones" he nods and says "let's get out of here" we begin running and gaining height and speed not knowing where we were running.
After 30 mins of gaining space between us and our attackers we come upon a cave in a hill side that looks like it was dug out long ago.
"We can rest up here till tomorrow then we have to be on our way" he says and I nod. He looks at me and sighs touching my cheek and neck. " I will go find some firewood and catch us something to eat"
20 mins later Itachi comes back with fish and fire wood. We soon light the fire and cook our fish

"Why did you help me escape the village?" He asks me as he stares at the fire. I roll my eyes and play with a stick in the fire. "You always ask me this and I tell you the same thing everytime" I say standing with the stick that's now on fire. I walk to the entrance to the cave and look out at the moon.
"I helped you because I couldn't let anything happen to you, you are someone i truly care about and I don't understand how you don't realize that" I sigh and wave the stick around in the air observing the smoke and smell coming from the piece of wood.
I then hear him walking towards me and I feel arms wrap around my waist. "W-what?" I say touching his hands with my free hand.
"I'm so sorry I got you into this mess" he says with his face buried in my neck.
"Itachi seriously it's okay......I never thought once since being out here that it was a bad idea to follow you so calm down." I say extinguishing the fire and dropping the stick I remove his arms from my waist. I turn to look at him and his eyes look sad.
"Don't be sad that I came with you, be happy that I chose you over that corrupt village" I say placing my small brown hand against his paler skin. A gust of wind comes by causing me to shiver. " here take my cloak" he says taking it off and wrapping me in it.
"When are you going back to the Akatsuki hideout to report?" I ask him and he sighs grabbing my hand and leading me back into the cave.
"Don't worry about that, they don't know about you and I plan to keep it that way, Im just using them to keep up with my brother."
He says sitting down and gesturing me to join him. "I like you Itachi" I say looking at him smiling and he has a shocked expression on.
"You always know your next move before you do it. You know you have people to protect and you move carefully. I wish I could think on my toes like that. I would be able to survive on my own outside the village" I say grasping the cloak around my body.
"The only thing I can do is my hair and wash my ass" I say laughing
He chuckles and rubs my head and he opens his mouth to speak but instead he lightly grabs my face and kisses me.
"W-what was that for?" I say looking at him shocked, I thought he didn't like women. I thought... I thought
"I've been wanting to do that for a while now" he says with a smirk. I look down and Fidel with my fingers.
"Oh yea...thank you for saving me back there." I say as I look back up to him immediately making eye contact. I can't help but stare into his eyes, which is the last thing you should do with an uchiha.

I pull myself out of my thoughts when I feel his hand lightly grab my face again and he kisses me again. This time the kiss is longer and hungrier.
"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck"

This going to be a two parter babes.

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