Chapter 19: A horror scene

Start from the beginning

"Betty Calaway, our queen, my mother is dead!" Screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, he could hear sounds of astonishment, women crying, Pat and his men fell to their knees at the terrible news. "The loss of my mother has ignited all the rage I've had inside of me for the past few days, and these gentlemen here are going to pay the price!" He said pointing one of his axes at the prisoners who were tied up. He takes off his long robe and throws it at one of his guards who catches it. "You are all going to witness their slow and painful death my people!" He says smiling, Pat sees that Taker is not in his normal state, he has gone mad, his eyes could kill someone if they "Let's start with the teeth" He says taking a big tool, like pliers, the soldiers take a prisoner and force him to open his mouth while he is struggling.

Taker is smiling seeing his prey being very afraid of him, he begins to pull teeth, the prisoner cries out in pain, blood squirts on Taker's face with each extraction of his prisoner's teeth.

"Stop! please! Leave my brother!" Said one of the prisoners crying to see his little brother suffer, Taker looks at the prisoner who just spoke, he's the one who was torturing her earlier. He looks at the prisoner whose teeth he has removed, then looks at him again, dropping his head. "Oh...that's your brother? Do you think I give a fuck?!" He said looking at him dangerously, he could still hear the prisoner screaming in pain. Taker returns to his prisoner who is still in pain, then rams his fist into his abdomen and pulls his intestines out of his body, letting him empty while he is still alive. "Nooo!! Fred!! YOU'RE A SON OF A BITCH!!" Cried the other prisoner when he saw that his brother was bleeding and his organs were coming out. Taker rubs his hands full of blood on his face then takes his ax and throws it at the leg of the one he insulted him, the prisoner screams in pain, grimacing trying to fight the pain, not to please him in in pain, he takes the prisoner's face forcing him to watch his brother slowly die.

"Watch your brother fight to live with no escape." He said laughing then giving him a slap before taking his ax which was planted in the leg of his prisoner. " don't have a heart?" Said the prisoner watching him walk away, Taker turns around, takes a flaming spear and smiles at him. "No" he said before throwing it at the prisoner and crashing into his abdomen, making him scream in pain, slowly burning him inside of him. Taker looks at the prisoner in the middle who hasn't said anything yet, the prisoner is bruised, bleeding but doesn't say anything. Taker approaches him, his eyes wondering why there is no fear in his eyes, why he doesn't feel fear rising in him when he sees his colleagues bleeding. "Do you mind seeing your colleagues having a slow death at my hands?" Asked Taker looking at him, the prisoner has a big open wound on his head, the man looks to his left, seeing his colleague burning little by little, screaming in pain and to his right, the young colleague with the organs out of his body that just died then looks at Taker again.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, you have half the map, and the key unlocks what the master is hiding" the prisoner says, Taker looks at him then laughs and grabs him by the neck. "Do you think I was going to release you because you told me that?" He asked with a menacing voice, eyes that wanted to see pain and blood. "N..No..I know you're going to kill me.." he says harshly as he struggles to breathe from Taker's hand. Suddenly he lets go and undoes the rope that held him against the pole and the prisoner falls heavily to the ground. "I'll give you a chance to get out of this, if you hurt me once with the sword, I'll let you free.." He said throwing a sword at his feet, Taker removes his belt with his axes then takes a sword held out to him by his guard. "Otherwise, it's death." He said putting himself in a combat position, the prisoner catches his breath and gets up with difficulty looking at Taker who has a smile on his face. The prisoner runs wanting to kick Taker but he avoids it then elbows him in the back causing him to fall.

Taker's soldiers cheer him on while Pat and his men remain alert to Taker's behavior. Pat knows what Taker is trying to do, he drowns out his sadness and pain of losing his mother so he decided to torture his prisoners. You can be someone important, a lord, a king but if you lose your bearings who is your mother, you are nothing. That's what's going on in Taker's head. The prisoner tries to hit Taker with his sword but can't, the more he can't, the more Taker gets angry. "Make an effort!!" He shouted before punch him in the head, the prisoner is too physically weak to continue, Taker pulls his hair forcing him to look at him. "You're just a weakling! Is that how you fight for your honor and for your life?!" He asked shouting then slams his head on the ground, he walks towards his belt then takes an ax.

He put his foot on the back of the prisoner who is flat on his stomach, he begins to make a big wound along the back of the prisoner who is screaming in pain. he breaks his vertebral column with the strength of his hands then pulls out his organs. A horror scene around the Majesty, two dead men tied up and a shredded man in front of Taker who is on his knees, full of blood on his face, breathing heavily trying to calm himself from his murderous madness. "Give that to the creatures.." he ordered his guards before going to the castle.

(Book 1) The malediction of the UndertakerWhere stories live. Discover now