chapter 29

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Vardhan and Pakhi were sleeping. Yesterday's night which started with life changing revelations ended by changing their relationship from friends to finally becoming a husband and wife in all senses.

Vardhan was first one to open his eyes, he looked at his beautiful wife, who was sleeping on his chest, just like their wedding night she was sprawled on him. But today it was so different. All his life he  craved for love, and finally he got it, in the form of Pakhi. He tighten his hold on her. She was wearing his coat, her hair were messy, there were lots of love bites on her neck, cleavage ,stomach. Her face flushed, lips swollen, all in all she looked thoroughly love.

Pakhi- Vardhan please close the window naaa, i want to sleep..
She spoke in a sleepy voice. Vardhan chucked, he bring her over him and placed her head on his crook of neck. He was patting her head. Pakhi hummed in satisfaction.

Suddenly both hear some noises coming from outside. That's when he realised that the workers are here to clean up the terrace.

Vardhan- fuck...

Looking at their current situation, it wont take much to guess what they did. He dont want to become a source of gossip among his workers and neither he wanted anyone to see his wife like this. He hurriedly wake Pakhi up..
Pakhi was too sleepy to even open her eyes, she was hell tired she was not able to move a single muscle of her body.

Pakhi- let it be Vardhan they'll come and go after doing their work, please let me sleep.

Vardhan-yeah sure Pakhi, but before going they'll definitely watch a show of yours wearing nothing just my coat. Right what a unique fashion my love.

Pakhi eyes shot open hearing his comment.. she hurriedly stood and looked around for her clothes. Their clothes were scattered all over the floor. She was tying up her saare all the way cursing Vardhan.

Pakhi- who told you to make love in this room haan, we could have gone to our room but no Mr. Vardhan Randhawa was not able to controlled himself couldn't even waited to reach room..

Vardhan- Ohh madam, you was the one who literally broke all the buttons of my shirt look now I seriously look like a drunk homeless Man wearing a button less shirt.

Pakhi - Haan toh I waited so long,
Vardhan smirked,

Vardhan- how long Pakhi, dont tell me you had wet dreams featuring me haan..

Pakhi -yes ,many a timess..
Vardhan looked at her with a crooked smile whereas Pakhi widened her eyes realizing what she just uttered. Her cheeks got hot.. vardhan pulled her to him and nuzzled her cheeks.

Vardhan- Don't worrry I'll turn all your dreams in reality. You just have to tell me where and how i touched you in your dreams.

Pakhi again was lost in his touch. She unknowingly nodded her head and looked at his lips... oohh soo delicious. She was just going to kiss him but he stopped her making her pout..

Vardhan- later baby , later i wont even give you time to breath.

Saying this he holds her hand and left the room. They hide behind the door of terrace and he slowly opened it. Just when workers entered they silently tip toed and left the terrace, but to their horror Nandini was standing on the hallway she was coming to their room. Vardhan led Pakhi to store room which was only place left to hide.

Pakhi- why did you bring me here in store room vardhan..

Vardhan-Maa is standing in the hallway Pakhi. Seeing our condition i dont think you want to go and wish her good morning.

Pakhi shook her head, and vardhan was peaking from door but to his bad luck his mother was still standing there.

What Maa is doing standing like a ghost in the hallway and at too this early.

Pakhi was hearing his frustration, an idea occurred in her mind. Seeing vardhan in button less shirt, she started kissing his chest. All the while moving her hand on his chest and abs.

Vardhan- Pakhi what are you,...

Pakhi silenced him by putting her finger on his lipss.. she continued her torture, she was kissing him on his chest , his neck, his face. He tighten his grip on her waist, he was loosing it again but he had to control it , he again peeked outside but now Vivan and Siya were also Standing in the hallway.
What my family is doing in the hallway didnt they have rooms of their own. There his family was blocking his way and here Pakhi was leaving no stone unturned in making him loose his control. He looked outside and then he looked inside.
Store room it is....
He thought and closed the door locking it from inside, he lifted her up and take to the farthest corner of the room he made her lie there and came top of her.

Pakhi-Vardhan what. 

Vardhan silenced her by his lipss.

Vardhan-Now its my turn baby, just make sure dont be too loud.
He whispered, this thrill, this excitement only Pakhi was able to bring in his life. This time he wasted no time he lifted her saaree knowing that she's not wearing her undergarments, all thanks to him he tore it off last night . In one go he thrusted himself inside her. He put his one hand on her mouth to cover her scream.

Vardhan- Did you ever dream of making love in store room Pakhi...

Pakhi shook her head... vardhan was thrusting inside her, the feeling of him inside her was the best feeling of her life. Vardhan put his head in her neck and again kept thrusting. He made sure that her screams didn't go out the room. Pakhi was in different world. The pleasure was something that dazed her mind. Vardhan took her two times in the store room. After an hour they were finally able to reach his room. They plopped themselves on his bed.
They look at each other and laughed.

Vardhan -that was ,

Pakhi - so much fun...

Vardhan later made Pakhi  sleep, as she was hell tired. He also made sure that no one disturbs her. He told Nandini that Pakhi is not feeling well so let her sleep and then gave her breakfast whenever she wakes up.

Nandini was smiling seeing Vardhan care for his wife. But she felt something is not right. She have this nagging feeling from morning itself. Unknown to her, her motherly instincts were guiding her towards the upcoming danger in her children lives.

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