chapter 26.

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Unknown person- what are you thinking hukum..

Sanyukta- nothing, just watching her happy, i feel suffocated. But dont worry its time.. time of my first move.. i had made a perfect plan to torture you Aarohi, everything is set.. its time for my strike now.... 

Veer had to go out of Madhavagarh for a week to complete his work. Aarohi misses him alot. But pakhi and siya made sure that she never left her alone. Whereas Vardhan and Vivan had taken complete responsibility of her safety in Veer's absence. But unknown to them  its not any outsider from whom they need to protect her, its from those whom they trust. Some people are ready to betray them.

Today, there was a grand success party organized in Randhawa mansion. 100's of people were invited. Aarohi, Pakhi and siya had done all the arrangements. Just an hour later, the party will get start.

Pakhi was getting ready, when she saw Vardhan coming, wearing his signature 3 piece suit.

Pakhi- Vardhan please help me, what should i wear.... saaree or this beautiful dress or 

Vardhan saw the dresses, which were kept on bed, he picked the beautiful Red saree,  he knows that Red suits her well, she look beautiful in this color.

Vardhan-here, this,  wear this.. 

Pakhi thanked him but also asked him to select jewellery for her. Vardhan selected a beautiful pendant necklace with beautiful braclets..

When pakhi came out wearing that red saaree ,Vardhan's breath got hitched. She was looking beautiful. Her creamy white skin was glowing and red colour was making her look more ravishing. He gulped, his pants become too tight for his liking. It was becoming very hard for to him control when Pakhi was looking so god damn beautiful.

Pakhi- okay lets go I am ready.
Wait let me just put sindoor. She was just filling her hair partition when Vardhan stopped her and took the box from her hand,  he took sindoor and filled her hair partition with it, some of it drops also fell on her nose. Vardhan very gently kissed her forehead and whispers in her ear...

Vardhan- you are killing me Pakhi ,with this look of yours..

Pakhi blushed hard on hearing his comment... she looked at his eyes, for the very first she saw what she always wanted to see love, love for her. She smiled looking at vardhan.. vardhan hold his arm for her... they both went out for the party holding each other hands and a soothing feeling in their hearts....

Unknown person-Hukum, i am not able to understand why you are sending this to Vardhan sir....

Sanyukta- Now its time for him to know the truth... I want him to suffer again.. how can i leave him haan because of him veer rejected me.. how can he live his life happily when I am dying each fucking moment. This truth will shake him and the mere existence of his relationship. Oohhh it will be so much fun...
Make sure both my parcels reached to their respective destination. I dont want any mistake this time.... asked him to text me once the work is done..

Ji hukum...

Tick tock, tick tock....

The party was in full swing. Vivan-siya, vardhan- pakhi were dancing on floor. Aarohi was sitting with Nandini, and was enjoying her friends conversation.

Vardhan's hand was on her waist.. this closeness was blocking all his senses... Pakhi was also lost in his eyes. They both were in their own world... soon the music ends, Pakhi and Siya went to look at arrangements.

A guy came and informed something to Vardhan,  Vardhan excused himself and went to his room..

About an hour later, Pakhi was  searching for Vardhan, she reached her room.  , but Vardhan was no where to be seen ,just when she was turning, she saw an envelope. The envelope was blank, but she saw his laptop and a pen drive. She played the video.

The video showed how Veer drugged sanyukta, how he made her record the video message for Vardhan, asking him to move on. How Veer manipulated her by saying he'll marry her if she do what he asked her to do.
In this video she was able to see her clearly. She is indeed beautiful, her eyes held pain and love. She was looking at Veer with so much love that for a second Pakhi felt bad for her. Tears were streaming down from her eyes.

Pakhi- so this why Vardhan agreed to marry me, because he wanted to fulfill her wish. She recalled  his desperation, his pleas of moving on.
How wrong I was, I thought that Vardhan wanted to move on for him for his family but no he was doing it for her. For his Sanyunkta....
No Pakhi, you cant fall weak no, this video this will bring Vardhan back to his past. No you need to stop this, you need to find him..
Pakhi gathered herself. Even though she herself was broken knowing now why Vardhan married her, she went in search for him..

Pakhi asked one of his security guard about Vardhan, he told her that he saw him going towards terrace an hour ago.
Pakhi thanked him and hurriedly went towards terrace. It was raining outside. When she reached at terrace. She saw him sitting there in the middle of heavy rain and storm. She called him but her voice went to deaf ears. Vardhan was in trance. For him that video was a slap on his face, a wake up slap.. once again he was manipulated, cheated and this time by his own brother. He felt betrayed. How can they do this to him and why. Somewhere he knows the reason, but this didn't gave them license to play with his emotions, his life. Suddenly he felt her presence, even before she came near him, he felt her.

Vardhan- did you also know about it. Vardhan asked her, but didn't looked at her. He was looking ahead with blank eyes. He was tired of everything,  tired of everyone's game, tired of betrayal from his loved ones. Just when his life was getting back on track, he was again thrown in his past.

Why did he do that, and how can he do that to me..

Pakhi sat beside him, they both were drenched in rain. They bodies were cold, so was their heart. They bodies were becoming numb, so does their heart. They both were in pain, one of betrayal, one of love.

Unknown person- Hukum, our plan didn't work, Vardhan Sir just went alone, he didnt showed his anger or did anything in the party. He didnt even questioned Veer sir.

Sanyukta laughed seeing how impatient his man was, relax Mahesh  relax..
The video which i send to Vardhan was just a distraction. Distraction for Pakhi. I wanted to distract her. I wanted her to leave Aarohi alone for a while. Now that i am successful in doing that. Aarohi is alone,  neither Veer nor Pakhi is there with her. Its the perfect time to send her my gift. Tonight she will be all alone. This is the right time for my first strike. Make sure that your workers do they job correctly i dont want a single mistake Mahesh , also asked him to delivered the Parcel as soon as possible. Send him a message.

Madhav- ji hukum...

Pakhi Pakhi , so finally you made your choice haan you choose Vardhan over your sister. Good choice you deserve that idiot..... that good for nothing brother of Veer.  He couldn't even properly became a beast in bed... whole night he kept saying baby are you alright did i hurt you..  idiot because of him i had too make fake bruises. If only he would have done his work properly, i wouldn't be sitting here...

The story of Royal LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora