"I'm going to come." Seven suddenly announces. A couple quick thrusts later I watch in awe as he pulls himself from me, his hand strokes over himself a few times before I feel the warmth of his release hit my stomach. I'm frozen as I watch him, in a slight wonderment at the image of his face beautifully contorted in climax while touching himself.

Seeing Seven culminate is satisfying enough it distracts me from the sexual frustration of missing out on my own. I watch a bead of sweat roll down one of Seven's pectorals and down his abs as he catches his breath while still kneeling over me between my legs. His hair a damp mess dangling in his eyes. He is so attractive, in every possible situation and every angle he really is beautiful.

With a sexy smirk Seven nods down at my stomach proudly, clearly pleased with his mess all over me.

"Suits you." He jokes at the come covering my stomach.

"Fuck off." I nudge him with my knee lightly, biting my smile.

"My dirty girl." He coos and I roll my eyes at him.

"As much as I like this image I don't think it will top when I will come inside of you." Seven remark causes all the air to evacuate my lungs. He smiles at my awkward cough, clearly satisfied with my reaction and scoots off the bed.

"I'll fetch you a towel." He says as he leaves the room.

With the excitement of the moment crackling out, what we just did begins to dawn on me. We just had unprotected sex, Seven who is always so careful in fear of spawning a child willingly had sex with me without a condom and then joked about coming inside of me. I don't know how I should feel about that, or what that necessarily means about his stance of not having children but what I do know is that I can't ever be that reckless again. If he had finished inside of me we could potentially be in trouble. I'm too young to have a kid, I'm in no place to even be contemplating this at all. I can't let myself get so caught up in the moment. We need to be more careful. I need to get back on birth control. Seven doesn't even know I'm off it, perhaps that's why he didn't care for the condom. Oh god. Will he be upset when I tell him I'm not currently on anything? Should I even tell him?

I'm mid internal crisis when he returns, towel in hand.

"What?" He asks, already knowing my frantic headspace.

"Nothing." I shake my head and accept the towel. He doesn't push for an answer but he does keep his sights on me while I clean myself up, while we shower together, while my fingers brush through my wet hair, while I change into a pair of clean black pants and black t-shirt of his. I can see the concern in his eyes but still he doesn't question me on it, not till I tell him my ride is on its way to take me home.

Sitting at the kitchen counter he comes to stand next to me.

"I could have dropped you home." I can sense the disapproval in his tone but he tries his best to not let it show.

"No, it's okay. I know you've got a busy day." The way he chose to dress in his formal slacks and button up gave that away. The dignified clothing a tell that he's working today.

"Have I done something?" He then asks, taking a seat on the stool next to me.

"Was it because of this morning?" Seven's eyes are steady and careful as he regards me, looking out for any sign of my emotions giving me away.

"No." I lie.

"I know I said somethings..." He almost seems embarrassed to bring up his comment about coming inside of me. Although it was slightly alarming given I'm not on birth control I was more shocked that Seven would even say such a thing or be open to such an act given his history of clear disproval. I could bring up the comment and ask him what that means given he's always been so careful but I don't want to embarrass him any further.

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