Chapter One: Settling In

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You jolt awake

"Woah sorry about that y/n" you look to your side to your my twin brother Damien looking worried as he apologized. "Cmon bro, you know how easy to scare your sister is" Your red-headed sibling says. "Right, anyway you should start to get ready, they just announced that Pulau Rintis's Silhouette can be seen out the window".

"Ah right sorry about that I must have dozed off after my game" 

As the train continues to move you  focus on the town becoming closer and closer by the minute.

"Anyways someone is suppose to meet us at the station and lead us to our home for the time being" Your blonde sibling states. "You have any clue what he looks like?" The red head of the group asks. "No-" she reluctantly answers, well were of to a great start. 

---Time Skip---

"You have now arrived at Pulau Rintis Station, please do not forget your belongings and promptly exit the train in an orderly fashion" the announcer states as the train can be seen coming to a full stop. Tok Aba, Boboiboy, Gopal, Yaya and Ying can be seen on the station eagerly awaiting for a person or a specific group of people to step off the train. How did they get here? 

Tok Aba had received a message from an old pal that another friend of his had wanted to send their children to someplace new so they can experience new things, he had suggested Pulau Rintis Island and wanted to ask Tok Aba if he could set up the house for them and be their guide for the time being since they will be staying there for a while.

Tok Aba was reluctant to agree at first since he is suspicious of until his friend told him they were the same age as his grandson. Also that he would be paid a decent amount for taking care of them as well.

Boboiboy and Ochobot had realised that Tok Aba had been more busy and making calls more often, he even looked more happy at the time so they asked what what going on.

"Tok what's going on" Boboiboy asked

"What do you mean Boboiboy?"

"What he means Tok is that you're getting more busy lately and strangely happier at the same time" Ochobot chimes in.

They await for his response when he suddenly smiled which seemed creepy at first but he then said "You will know soon my boys". 

They continued to pester Tok Aba and this catches the attention of Gopal who then tells Yaya, Ying about it. They soon start to ask questions and one day Tok Aba had decided to tell them.

"Cmon Tok just spill it out already" Gopal who was tired of guessing the wrong thing for the 69th time said.

"Yeah Tok were bound to know it soon so might as well just tell us now" Ying says.

Tok Aba looks at the group of teens surrounding his shop eagerly waiting for his answer. "Since you kids have been asking for so long, a friend of mine contacted me" he was cut off by his grandson's best friend.

"What's that Tok you have an old friend?! Is it a woman?! Congratulations Tok!" Gopal was hit on the head that day, but Tok Aba was able to explain everything and how there would be a couple of new kids in town a few days from now, also leaving out a few details.

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