
Monday 4:00 P.M.

Mai walked into the office out of the cold after class. She placed her coat on the rack and wordlessly entered the kitchenette to make tea. She set the kettle on the stove and pulled out the teapot along with a few cups. She hesitated as she reached into the cabinet. Aside from the dozen basic clay cups, there were two cups that were definitely made for two specific people. The cups she and Naru had given each other for Christmas, she wasn't sure if she had used hers since she received it. She knew Naru had used his, hell she made his tea. She shook her head and grabbed three clay cups as the kettle began to whistle.

It was silent. Just as it had been the last week. Lin wasn't much of a talker, but he did manage a, "Thank you, Mai. How are you today?" as she gave him his cup. To which she gave a basic response that everyone seems to give. He continued to type, but she could have sworn she saw a look of worry in his eyes. Great, the all knowing silent one knows something's up. He'll probably try to get me and Naru to make nice, but I doubt it, she told herself as she headed into the narcissist's office.

She placed the cup on the desk and ignored the "Thank you" that came from it. She kept her face expressionless and walked back to her desk and went through the files of paperwork that Naru had left for her.

It was yet another silent day at the office. It was starting to get to her, not even the rest of the team had stopped by to visit the last week. Granted they had just finished up a case probably wanted to let Naru be, but the least they could do was come say hi to her right? They were supposed to be her family-

Mai isn't this proof enough? She swore she heard Shouta's voice in her mind. She shook her head of it. But it's true. I really am alone...

Ding-ding. Ding-sing.

The ring of the bell startled her. She was happy that her eyes had not gone watery, she had done a lot of crying lately, she was almost sure she was out of tears. With possibly the fakest smile she had ever given, Mai stood up and greeted the guest. "Welcome to Shibuya Psyichic Research, I'm Mai Taniyama, how can we help?"

Their guest was an elderly woman. She was short and heavy, with her gray hair tied in a bun just above her neck. Thick lensed glasses made her brown eyes look ridiculous on her small face, but she gave a toothy smile. "Hello, dear, I seem to have some paranormal issues. Will you be able to help me?"

"We will surely try, please have a seat, would you like some tea?" Mai led the woman to their living space and had her sit down. She walked over to the door closed office doors. "Guys, we have a potential client," she said numbly, and then headed for the kitchenette to make tea.

"Tell me what's been going on Mrs. Abukara," Mai heard Naru ask as she brought over another cup of tea.

"You see, there are strange noises in my apartment at night. I'll wake up in the morning and things will be moved." She took a sip of her tea and placed the cup on the coffee table. "Oh, it's terrible! Something so terrifying happened to my little Rin and she hasn't talked to me since!"

"Is Rin a family member?" Naru asked, Lin continued to type next to him.

"Of course she is! She only came into this world a few short years ago." Something appeared out of the corner of Mai's eye. Or well, moved.

"What is your relationship to Miss Rin?" Mai's eyes closed in on the purse next to the old woman. Was that what was moving?

"My dear Rin, she's such a sweetheart. I have her picture in my purse." The woman unzipped the purse and a black cat climbed out onto the couch. "Rin-chama! You followed me all the way here! Oh, you must be so frightened to stay alone in that nasty apartment! No wonder you snuck in there!"

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