Chapter 2: A Strange Man

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Six years later...

I laugh as I run away from Katia's prying hands (even though it's really me who's prying) "Samina! Come back here before I quite literally throw a knife at you!!"

"Never! I need to know who's been writing love letters to you, so catch me if you can but I'm about to jump some roofs!" I yell as I put the envelope in my mouth and begin climbing up the building. The adrenaline rush I'm getting is amazing, but the fact that Katia wouldn't actually throw a knife at me while I'm climbing makes my grip steadier.

Finally, I reach the roof and look down. Katia glares at me and I just smile and blow her a kiss, "LOVE YOU!!" I shout at the top of my lungs, and she flips me off. I gasp dramatically, "Rude!!"

"I COULD SAY A LOT MORE TO YOU RIGHT NOW!!" She shouts at me with her hands on her hips.

I laugh and fix my hijab that has moved around a bit in the wind, 'aha, now, let's see who's got you all loved up," I smirk.

I open the letter and read...

A few minutes later I look up with a smile on my face... Katia has an admirer, and it seems as if she admires them right back.

I peek down to where Katia is sitting on the bench, she has a cute little scowl and her arms are crossed. "HEY!" I shout at her from the roof.

She looks up with a menacing look, "You better come down here!" she shouts back.

I sigh, "Fine!"

I climb down and huff when she takes the letter from me. I wrap my arms around her when she turns her back and plant a sloppy kiss on her head, "I love youuuuu!"

She glares, "I despise you."

"Lies," I gasp, "Say it back."

She mumbles, "love you too."

I smile, "Now how hard was that?" She just turns and opens the letter as she continues walking, "So? Who is this Matteo Dalaeo and what's going on between you two?" She's about to start but I cut her off with a hand, "Don't you dare say nothing because that definitely looks like something."

She glares at me, "His name is Matteo Dalaeo, and he runs a high-ranking Italian Mafia... I ran into him a few years ago." She sighs, "Turns out he found where I lived and began to send me letters. I hated the letters at first, but one day he showed up and personally delivered them himself, I thought he was here for some weapons so I didn't think much of it but then... one thing led to another and now I have this with him," she held the letter up and smiled.

I'd never seen her at such peace when talking about someone, not even her own brothers who took her in when she had no one and treated her like their own sister.

Katia Romanov was born to a very cruel family. Her parents had her as a first child, and they treated her like a normal child until she could walk and talk... once she was able to sort of do things on her own they trafficked her to the highest bidder. She was hopeless... so hopeless that she had given up on life, a child had given up on life.

A young boy came up to her when she was crying on the floor right before she was about to be sent in to be sold, crouched to her level, and said, "I'm going to get you out of here, even if it leads to my last breath."

True to his word he carried her malnourished and unhealthy body to the outside world and asked her, "Do you want a family?"

She couldn't say anything because of the lump in her throat so she just nodded and buried her little head in his chest while she cried her little heart out for everything she had been through. Soon enough she figured out that she was brought to a mafia, the most respected Russian mafia to be specific. The young brothers grew to love her as a family and treated her like the sister they never had.

Now here she is... A respected mafia queen. She supplies other Mafias with weapons that she makes herself.

Now standing in front of me the same woman that never is at peace, who is always fighting in a war with herself has finally won the war. She's at peace. That's all I've ever wanted for her as a friend. All I've ever wanted for a person I can trust more than my own parents.

"I'm happy for you Katia," I take her hands in mine, "But he'd better know that I will personally come after him if he dares to try anything," I wink.

"Don't worry about that, I've already stabbed him once in the past and I definitely won't hesitate to do it again," she grins mischievously.

I roll my eyes, "of course you did." She laughs then suddenly stops and I turn around, "Looks like you've got customers."

Four pitch black, polished Porsche 911 GT3s pull into Katia's driveway as the gates open. "I'm so sorry Samina! I completely forgot they were coming!"

I'm too busy staring at the cars, "Mashallah, those cars are so cool!"

Katia rolls her eyes, "They like to show off their stupid money." I give her a look saying you don't? She has mansions literally everywhere she has been. "Hey! I'm not saying I don't, I'm just saying that when they do it, it's annoying."

I laugh, "Whatever."

We walk inside and the front doors open while I run to Katia's room to change my outfit into a long sleeve shirt underneath a short-sleeved one with baggy pants and a black hijab to match the pants I'm wearing.

I open the door to the weaponry where Katia is, and see that one of them is trying to pick a fight with her, "Trust me," he says, "I've been doing this far longer than you've been alive, so don't you dare try to tell me I'm wrong, girl." he has an Arab accent, and even speaks Russian... well that's not too surprising because I can speak multiple languages as well, including... Arabic, English, Russian, Pashto, and Urdu, which is my first language as well as Pashto.

Katia can fight her own battles, I know that, but I have a strange feeling that this man will get violently injured by Katias' hands if I don't step in soon.

I walk out of the doorway with the heels of my boots hitting the tiles hard enough to to make their heads turn, "Salam," I smile knowing that I most likely have pissed this man off by interrupting him. I hold my hand to my chest in greeting, "So I just heard you arguing with my beloved friend, and I just have to ask, did your mother never beat you for talking to a woman like that?" The man who was just yelling at Katia turns to face me, anger clear on his face. I smile at him innocently.

Another man who had his back against the wall and a foot raised against it laughs loudly and claps slowly while walking toward me. His face is hidden by the shadow of the light.

"Well done, well done," he says to me then turns to the man that was shouting at Katia and says, "You're dismissed, Ali, make your way back to the cars."

"But-" Ali starts. The man who clapped raises an eyebrow at him, "'ajal ya rayiys."(yes boss) Ali mumbles and walks away with his head down.

I don't know who this man is but I intend to find out soon. Just then he turns around and looks at me, and I look right back into his soulless eyes.


A/n: Asalamalacom everyone! I'm really sorry if this one was too long I'll make sure the other ones aren't as overwhelming as this one lol.

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