Bonus Act - Inside the Hearth (M)

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Lee Yoohan was a hearth. He always felt warm even when he acted cold. He grumbled about me using his thigh as a pillow, but secretly played with my hair. He refused to live with me, but his eyes spelled guilt. He didn't like to make a move first but brought his head over and kissed me.

Isn't it wonderful, the way his lips hesitated and quivered when he moved forward in sobriety? I could see his black eyes blinking like he couldn't believe he acted this daring. He's going to run away again, wasn't he?

So I grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a deeper kiss, claiming those lips before he could pull away. I raised my head and he came with me, almost unconsciously. His hand still cradling my face as I turned and pinned him into the sofa, our lips still latched into each other.

With Lee Yoohan, you had to read his mood carefully. He had a habit of being hard on himself and restraining his desire. So you need to coax him slowly. You need to dig into his desire and pulled them out. You need him to want it. You need him to want you.

But there's a sign you can read.

I caressed his nape, it was firm and perfect to be held, and his eyes fluttered shut. For Lee Yoohan, closing his eyes meant he was ready to be seduced. I licked his lips and took my tongue inside, caressing his tongue and palette. The way he shuddered on my hold was truly enticing. His grab on my hair was tightening, and I moved my hand along his clothed spine. He frowned at the feel, but far from pulling away, his body moved closer to mine. He pulled me down, closer, like he wanted to be crushed by my weight. I wondered who was seducing who now, as I touched the hem of his sweatpants. But he gasped, breaking the kiss.

I pulled myself up, hand still on his waistline, looking down. He was panting, flushed red just from the kiss, and looked absolutely entrancing. Was there a man with a sane enough mind able to refute this? With a surprised, shaky voice he asked;


Here? Did he ask me that? While looking like he couldn't even hold back himself? Was it not his hands that had been making a mess of my hair and pulled our body closer? I stared at him with confusion and impatient. He wasn't going to ask me to stop, was he? He wasn't going to ask for us to move, right? I frowned a little bit, and pressed the bulge inside our pants together.

I could see his mind growing flustered. He gulped and exhaled harshly. "Okay," he said, finally, legs tensing up beneath me. I could feel him twitching down there and his eyelashes fluttered from growing desire.

So pretty.

His fingers, rough and calloused from hard work, stroked my cheek and rubbed the place where my dimples usually appeared. The pulse on his wrist was racing hard like a fast-forwarded clock. He took a deep breath before saying it again, more to himself than for me. "Okay, here."

I smiled and lowered my head for a kiss again, and decided to take it slow tonight. He was being so lovely, so accepting, and it would be such a waste to just end it fast. And it seemed as if his body liked it more, with the way his hand circled my neck pliantly.

We savor the kiss more this time, nibbling slowly on each other's lips. I could taste it all night, that soft pink lips. He hummed contentedly inside my mouth and I moved my lower body, rubbing our hard-on together. He awarded me with little soft gasps every time I moved.

Hmm...this game of being patient and taking it slow, could I really go through it?

Probably not.

I moved between his legs, spreading them to rest atop my thighs, and about to pull his pants down. But he grabbed my hand suddenly, and broke our kiss. "Jay..." he called out, and I looked at him, frowning. It wasn't the first time he stopped me from doing something, but I had to wonder what is it this time.

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