Act 3.6 - Deep in the Water

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There would be a sound of an alarm coming from his cellphone in a while, but Yoohan had already awoken from the familiar feeling tickling his nape. The touch of someone's lips that had never been absent since he lived in this place. The heavy feeling of someone's arm enveloping his torso. The alarm went off, and the bed shifted. And then a whisper; "Good morning," sweet and alluring, every time, every morning, without fail. It reminded Yoohan that he wasn't alone in this world.

Once Yoohan opened his eyes, Jay greeted him with a flurry of kisses. On his nape, first, and then it spread; nibble on the ear, light peck on the forehead, cheek, the tip on the nose, and then the lips. Yoohan would struggle, at first, but Jay's lips were warm and demanding and making him weak, so he relented in the end, letting the lips eat him. Sometimes, when Yoohan was in a particularly good mood, he would kiss back, and then it would turn into passionate morning greeting.

On a morning when Jay was particularly horny (he always does, but sometimes it was just uncontrollable) or when Yoohan was particularly weak-minded, they'd forgo the home gym and just work out in bed, because morning wood just wasn't about to resolve by itself. Nothing rigorous, just one or two rounds of morning exercises. Or until Yoohan protested because he still need the energy to last through the day.

Depending on whether Jay managed to convince Yoohan of a joint session, the shower time could be done as quickly as 10 minutes or stretched until half an hour.
Jay had a big persuasive game. Jay was strong. Yoohan was not stronger than Jay. 😌

Yoohan was on a coffee machine making double shot espressos because both of them are workaholics who spent their free time on sexual activity rather than resting. Caffeine was a must.
Jay on breakfast because Yoohan's sense of nutritional balance was wack. What dietary knowledge would someone that used to think triangular kimbab was enough for a meal had anyway?

Eating was Yoohan's staple need. Flirting was not. But flirting was Jay's breakfast, so Yoohan had to endure eating while listening to Jay playing tug with his heartstring. Not that it wasn't nice, but it was quite hard swallowing food while listening to how nice your ass was. Shouldn't they talk about work or something like a normal couple would?

Yoohan took care of the dishes while Jay getting ready to turn into the adonis corporate executive that he was. He never failed to grumble about the possibility of someone being that handsome and that accomplished and that good at cooking like, what was he, a protagonist? whilst vacuuming the kitchen and living room. He also failed to recognize that he, a popular university lecturer that often chased by an entertainment agency scouting manager, who managed to steal Jay's heart, had more protagonist halo around him. But Jay just watched Yoohan grumble and stayed on his dense-ness from behind because it was cute.

What was traffic in front of Yoon Jay's driving? Sometimes Yoohan was wondering how could this man survive this far with this kind of recklessness. And sometimes Yoohan would regret not riding the motorcycle to work today. But when you just had a night of passion followed by erotic morning exercise, riding something could be...challenging. Yoohan wondered about which one would make his life expectancy shorter—Yoon Jay's driving or riding a motorcycle with a throbbing waist and stinging ass. But they had already arrived in front of the faculty, so he was getting off. But not before Jay grabbed and kissed him hard in front of passing students. Wow, what a show-off.

Whether it was from out-of-schedule lecture time, working on a research paper, or supervising some project, Yoohan usually got home past dinner time. But even then, the apartment would still be empty. Yoohan would change his clothes and lay on the couch, grading papers until the front door opened or he fell asleep.

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